Gwydir sank after collision 1902

Wooden smack [flat] built 1858 Brundrit & Whiteway, Runcorn
55 gt, owned James W Rayner, Liverpool. ON 22042

Contemporary newspaper reports:
The flat Gwydir (from Birkenhead to Harrington Dock) collided with the steamer Tynwald [Isle of Man service, at anchor] in the Mersey, abreast Coburg Dock this morning [20 September 1902]. The former sank. The Tynwald's state at present is unknown.

One report suggests that 1 person was drowned in the collision.

Postscript The Gwydir sank and her cargo was salvaged by MDHB. The wreck was 50ft below LBD. It is charted as wk 14.7m.
Note that "Schooner Port" [book about Runcorn ship-building] describes Gwyder[sic] as a smack rather than as a flat - smack was a general term for a cutter-rigged vessel - but this might imply less barge-like?