Iron paddle steamer Edward built Preston 1847,
48 grt, 24 nrt, 80 x 11.5 x 6.8 ft.
Owned Edward Finch, Liverpool, registered Liverpool, used in Ribble as tug.
Owned G S Sanderson from 1851; Mr Coyle from June 1851.
June 1851, started a service between Derry and Coleraine.
11 July 1851, driven ashore on Coleraine Bar (mouth of river Bann).
More history.
Preston Chronicle - Saturday 30 October 1847
QUICK SAILING. - The steamer, Edward, of this port, the property of Mr.
Edward Finch, left Lytham for this town on Thursday morning last,
returned immediately with a schooner, which it towed to Lytham, and
came back to Preston with the same tide, - thus performing three voyages
in one tide, a feat never before accomplished by a Preston steamer.
Londonderry Standard - Thursday 19 June 1851
It was,
however, reserved for a spirited townsman, Mr. Charles Coyle, to supply
what was required for so desirable a purpose. This he has done, by
placing on the Bann, a very compact and neat steamer, of thirty horse
power, called the Edward. This boat, which is almost new, is, from its
shape, being remarkably narrow, admirably adapted for sailing on rivers,
or along coasts, as she draws little more than six feet water, and can,
when unloaded, pass over water as shallow as four and a-half feet. She
arrived on Saturday evening, and was greeted on her approaching within
view of the bridge, with several discharges of fire-arms, which she
returned from a tiny cannon on board. The bridge, and each side of the
quay, in the meantime, were crowded with spectators, and the cheers, as
she neared the bridge, were loud and enthusiastic. She is, we
understand, to ply between Coleraine, Derry, and Portrush, and will suit
well for pleasure trips on Lough Foyle and elsewhere. It is to be hoped
that the spirited proprietor of this steamer will succeed in his
praiseworthy enterprise.
[from Liverpool Mail - Saturday 02 March 1850]:
TUESDAY. On Tuesday next, the 5th instant, at One o'clock, at the
Sale-room, Derby-buildings, Fenwick-street, - The Iron Steamer EDWARD,
About 40 tons register; is propelled by two high pressure Engines of 30
horse power collectively, which are in good order. Has fore and after
Cabin, and is fitted for Ferry purposes: now lying in Birkenhead Dock.
For further particulars, apply to G. S. Sanderson, Esq.,
North-John-street or to TONGE, CURRY, and Co., Brokers
Lloyd's List - Tuesday 15 July 1851
Coleraine, 13th July. The EDWARD (s) of this place, was driven on
shore at Barmouth 11th July; crew saved.
Londonderry Standard - Thursday 17 July 1851
The Steamer Edward. This steamer, which has for a few weeks
past been plying between this port, Moville, and Coleraine, left Derry
Friday last for the latter place, and, at about eight o'clock in the
evening, while attempting to enter the Bann, struck on the bar at the
month of that river, where she still remains. Owing to the heavy sea
which had set in upon the coast, her bulwarks and deck were carried
away, and a portion of her cargo suffered considerable damage. Nothing
could exceed the promptitude of the coast guards (Mr. Wallace and his
crew) stationed at the Bar mouth, who at once boarded her, and,
notwithstanding the utmost danger, rescued the entire crew, after giving
every assistance to get her off the bank. None but those who witness
the many "hair-breadth scapes" of these useful public servants can
appreciate their valuable services in saving life and property. This is
not the first lime that this party have endangered their lives in saving
those of others. It is much to be regretted that the Coleraine bar is
still left in its present dangerous state, after three eminent engineers
have pronounced it perfectly practicable to render it safe. It is a
pity that the Edward should so soon have met with this mischance, and
that her spirited owner should suffer such a severe loss. Her
continuing to trade between Derry and Coleraine would have been of the
utmost service to both towns.
Newry Telegraph - Tuesday 22 July 1851
The Edward,
Steamboat of Coleraine, a wreck. This fine little vessel, the property
of Mr. Coyle, Coleraine, ran on the East point of the bar at the mouth the
Bann, at nine clock, p.m., Friday evening, the 11th instant. She was
returning from Londonderry with bran, rum, sugar, etc. The cargo, for
the most part, is safe. She is broken up by the violence the high seas,
but, as her frame-work is of iron, and her under sheeting still sound,
it is to be hoped she will float. A number of hands were working at her
on Wednesday, and it is hoped their efforts will prove successful. The
Edward was not insured.