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Computational Mathematics Group and
Centre for Mathematical Imaging Techniques,
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
The University of Liverpool,
Math Sci Building, Peach Street,
Liverpool L69 7ZL, United Kingdom
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Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
----- Mathematical Imaging Techniques ----- AI Algorithms -----
See recent Books and those mathscinet papers listed by American Mathematical Society (AMS)
2021        1999        2004        2005        2016        2019        2019
  • Inverse Problem and Imaging (3D Super-resolution surface reconstruction) .... .... .... [Download PDF via arxiv, pdf direct]

    'Super-resolution surface reconstruction from few low-resolution slices', by Yiyao Zhang, Ke Chen, Shang-Hua Yang, Inverse Problems and Imaging. doi: 10.3934/ipi.2023040

  • IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging (Deep learning: maths for image reconstruction) .... .... .... [Download PDF via arxiv, pdf direct]

    Nest-DGIL: Nesterov-optimized deep geometric incremental learning for CS image reconstruction, by Fan, X., Yang, Y., Ke Chen, Feng, Y. & Zhang, J., 2023, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging. Vol 9, p. 819-833

  • Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, (Image reconstruction and Deep learning) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF ]

    ``An interpretable MRI reconstruction network with two-grid-cycle correction and geometric prior distillation'', Xiaohong Fan, Yin Yang, Ke Chen, Jianping Zhang, Ke Dong, in: J. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 84 (2023) 104821

  • Applied Mathematics and Computation, (Image Segmentation and Bias Field Correction) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF ]

    ``Image Segmentation Based on the Hybrid Bias Field Correction'', Zhi-Feng Pang, Zhenyan Guan, Yue Li, Ke Chen, Hong Ge, Applied Mathematics and Computation (2023), Volume 452, Article Number 128050

  • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (Image high order Denoising and New multigrid fast solver) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF ]

    Fast Multi-Grid Methods for Minimizing Curvature Energies Zhenwei Zhang, Ke Chen, Ke Tang and Yuping Duan, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2023), Volume 32, pp 1716-1731

  • J. Computational Mathematics and Computer Modeling with Applications (Image segmentation for image with non-piecewise constant intensities) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF ]

    ``On Two Convex Variational Models and Their Iterative Solutions for Selective Segmentation of Images with Intensity Inhomogeneity'', Liam Burrows, Ke Chen and Francesco Torella, accepted and to appear 2023.

  • IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR 2023), .... .... .... [Download OA PDF ]

    IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) (Image segmentation and advanced deep learning) ``Weakly supervised segmentation with point annotations for histopathology images via contrast-based variational model'', Hongrun Zhang, Liam Burrows, Yanda Meng, Declan Sculthorpe, Abhik Mukherjee, Sarah E Coupland, Ke Chen, Yalin Zheng,


Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal (Fast ML algorithm -- 3D segmentation .... .... .... [Download PDF (OA) ]

A fast multilevel method for selective segmentation model of 3-D digital images, A. K. Jumaat, K. Chen, Special Issue V.10, 2021, pp. 127-152

  • SPIE (DL segmentation model) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF ]

    "Using deep image prior to assist variational selective segmentation deep learning algorithms", by Liam Burrows, Ke Chen, Francesco Torella, 7th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, 2021, Campinas, Brazil.
  • JoI (Novel, Non-MS segmentation model) .... .... .... [Download PDF (OA) and Code] + [Try our Software]

    " On a Variational and Convex Model of the Blake-Zisserman Type for Segmentation of Low-Contrast and Piecewise Smooth Images ", by Liam Burrows, Anis Theljani, Ke Chen, Journal of Imaging, 2021, 7(11), 228; https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging7110228 Special issue: [ Inverse_Problems_Imaging]
  • IPIP 2018 Proceedings (Multi-modal registration) .... .... .... [Download PDF]

    ``Multi-modality Image Registration Models and Efficient Algorithms'', Chapter 3 of ``Mathematical Methods in Image Processing and Inverse Problems" (conference dedicated to Prof. R. H. Chan 60th birthday) eds. Xue-Cheng Tai, Suhua Wei, Haiguang Liu, Pages 33-60, Springer (2021)
  • SSVM 2021 Proceedings (Joint segmenation-registration and Deep learning) .... .... .... [Download PDF] + [Try our Software]

    A Deep Image Prior Learning Algorithm for Joint Selective Segmentation and Registration, by Liam Burrows, Ke Chen, Francesco Torella. Chapter 32, SSVM 2021 Proceedings, Editors: Elmoataz, A., Fadili, J., Queau, Y., Rabin, J., Simon, L. (Eds.), Springer.
  • Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology (New image segmenation model) .... .... .... [Download PDF]

    Selective segmentation of a feature that has two distinct intensities. by Burrows L, Chen K, Torella F., Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology. January 2021. doi:10.1177/17483026211007776
  • Handbook 2021 (Survey on image segmenation) .... .... .... [Download PDF (Springer) ]

    A Survey of Topology and Geometry-Constrained Segmentation Methods in Weakly Supervised Settings by Ke Chen, Noemie Debroux and Carole Le Guyader, Pages 1-46, in: Chen, K and Schonlieb, C-B and Tai, X-C and Younces, L eds. (2021, Springer)

  • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (Active Contours and Segmentation) .... [Download Local PDF ]

    ``A Generalized Asymmetric Dual-Front Model for Active Contours and Image Segmentation'', Da Chen, Jack Spencer, Jean-Marie Mirebeau, Ke Chen, Minglei Shu and Laurent D. Cohen, doi: 10.1109/TIP.2021.3078102, 2021 online first.

  • International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Mean curvature regularizer) .... [Download Local PDF ]

    ``A Two-Level Method for Image Denoising and Image Deblurring Models Using Mean Curvature Regularization'', Faisal Fairag, Ke Chen, Carlos Brito-Loeza and Shahbaz Ahmad, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2021.1929939

  • Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (Mean curvature regularizer) .... [Download PDF (OA) ]

    ``Analysis of the CCFD method for MC-based image denoising problems'', Faisal Fairag, Ke Chen, and Shahbaz Ahmad, Volume 54, pp. 108-127, 2021.

  • Inverse Problems and Imaging (Edge enhancement and image segmentation) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF ] or [Online copy]

    ``Reproducible Kernel Hilbert Space Based Global and Local Image Segmentation'', by Liam Burrows, Weihong Guo, Ke Chen and Francesco Torella, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 2021, 15(1): 1-25 doi: 10.3934/ipi.2020048

  • Inverse Problems and Imaging (Retinex and image inhomogeneity correction) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF ] or [Online copy]

    ``Image retinex based on the nonconvex TV-type regularization'', by Yuan Wang, Zhi-Feng Pang, Yuping Duan and Ke Chen, Inverse Problems and Imaging, Vol. 15, no. 6 December 2021 doi: 10.3934/ipi.2020050
  • International Journal of Computer Graphics (The Visual Computer) (Multi-region Segmentation) .... .... .... [Download Springer PDF or Local PDF ]

    ``Image Selective Segmentation Model for Multi-Regions within the Object of Interest with Application to Medical Disease", by Haider Ali, Shah Faisal, Ke Chen and Lavdie Rada, International Journal of Computer Graphics (The Visual Computer), 37, pages 939-955 (2021)

  • 2020
    • MIUA 2020 Proceedings (Image segmenation and Deep learning) .... .... .... [Download PDF (Springer) or Local PDF,

      On New Convolutional Neural Network Based Algorithms for Selective Segmentation of Images, Liam Burrows, Ke Chen, Francesco Torella, Pages 93-104, in: B W Papiez et al eds. (2020, Springer) Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 1048)

    • Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences (3D convex relaxation, selective segmentation) .... .... .... [Download PDF (OA)]

      ``Three-Dimensional Convex and Selective Variational Image Segmentation Model", Jumaat, A. K. and Chen, K, 14(3), pp.437-450 (2020)

    • Journal of Imaging (Microscopic images, cell tracking, segmentation) .... .... .... [Download PDF (OA) ]

      ``Investigating optimal time step intervals of imaging for data quality through a novel fully-automated cell tracking approach'', by Feng Wei Yang, Leah Tomavsova, Zeno v. Guttenberg, Ke Chen, and Anotida Madzvamuse, Vol 6 (7-66), pp.1-16; https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging6070066

    • SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (Image registration and 3D Beltrami) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF, PDF]

      ``3D orientation-preserving variational models for accurate image registration'', by Daoping Zhang and Ke Chen (2020), SIAM J. Imaging Sci., Vol 13 (3), 1653-1691. https://doi.org/10.1137/20M1320006

    • Computers & Mathematics with Applications (TVp flexible regularizer and image resotration) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF ]

      ``Image restoration via the adaptive TV^p regularization", by Zhi-Feng Pang, Ge Meng, Hui Li and Ke Chen Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol 80 (5), 2020, pp.569-587. (doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2020.04.030)
    • Pattern Recognition (Shape Analysis, Classification) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF or publisher's copy ]

      ``Tooth morphometry using quasi-conformal theory", by Gary P.T.Choi, Hei Long Chan, Robin Yong, Sarbin Ranjitkar, Alan Brook, Grant Townsend, Ke Chen and Lok Ming Lui. Pattern Recognition, Volume 99, March 2020, 107064

    • J. Inverse Problems (Multimodality image registration) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF ]

      ``A Nash Game Based Variational Model For Joint Image Intensity Correction And Registration To Deal With Varying Illumination ", by A Theljani and Ke Chen, Vol 36 (3), pp.034002, 2020. Inverse Problems, IoP online                                                                         [Try our Software ]

    • J. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (Image registration new model and NMG) .... .... [Download Local PDF]

      An Effective Diffeomorphic Model and Its Fast Multigrid Algorithm for Registration of Lung CT Images Improved Optimization Methods for Image Registration Problems, by Tony Thompson and Ke Chen, Volume 20 (1), pp.141-168, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1515/cmam-2018-0126

    • International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Image segmentation: converging multigrid) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF or T&F online]

      "On an effective multigrid solver for solving a class of variational problems with application to image segmentation", by Michael Roberts, Ke Chen, Jingzhi Li and Klaus Irion, 2020, VOL. 97, NO. 10, pp.2015-2035, https://doi.org/10.1080/00207160.2019.167429

    • MIUA 2019 Proceedings (Image segmenation and Deep learning) .... .... .... [Download (PDF Springer) or Local PDF, Edge Enhancement for Image Segmentation Using a RKHS Method, Liam Burrows, Weihong Guo, Ke Chen, and Francesco Torella, in eds. Y Zheng et al. (2020) MIUA 2019

    • MIUA 2019 Proceedings (Image registation and Deep learning) .... .... .... [Download PDF (Springer) or Local PDF]

    • An Unsupervised Deep Learning Method for Diffeomorphic Mono-and Multi-modal Image Registration, Anis Theljani and Ke Chen, pp 317-326, in: Y Zheng et al eds. (2019, Springer) Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 1065)
    • Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications (Multimodal image registation) .... .... .... [Download PDF (open access) ]

      "On a new diffeomorphic multi-modality image registration model and its convergent Gauss-Newton solver", by Daoping ZHANG, Anis THELJANI, Ke CHEN, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, Nov 2019, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 633-656, DOI:10.3770/j.issn:2095-2651.2019.06.010, http://jmre.dlut.edu.cn
      [special issue to celebrate the life of Prof L C Hsu (Li Zhi Xu)].

    • Processing, Analyzing and Learning of Images, Shapes, and Forms:             Hardcover ISBN: 9780444641403
      Part 2, Volume 20 of Elsevier Handbook of Numerical Analysis editd by Ron Kimmel and Xue-Cheng Tai

      Chapter 15: Image and Surface Registration, by Ke Chen, Lok Ming Lui and Jan Modersitzki, 2019. .... [Download Local PDF]

    • J. Computational and Applied Mathematics (Image registration new Multigrid algorithm) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF or Publisher PDF]

      ``A More Robust Multigrid Algorithm for Diffusion Type Registration Models", by Tony Thompson and Ke Chen, Vol 361, 1 December 2019, pp.502-527. ]

    • Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (Image segmentation / robust selection) .... .... .... [Download Springer OA or Local PDF]

      ``A Convex Geodesic Selective Model for Image Segmentation", by M Roberts, Ke Chen and K Irion, DOI: 10.1007/s10851-018-0857-2, (2019) Vol 61 (5), pp:482-503       [Try our Software ]

    • Numerical Algorithms (Image registration / fast optimization algorithm) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF or Springer]

      Improved Optimization Methods for Image Registration Problems, Ke Chen, Geovani Nunes Grapiglia, Jinyun Yuan and Daoping Zhang, Numerical Algorithms, Feb 2019, Volume 80, Issue 2, pp 305-336 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-018-0486-2

    • Inverse Problems and Imaging (Multimodality image registration) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF or DOI]

      ``An Augmented Lagrangian Method for Solving a New Variational Model based on Gradients Similarity Measures and High Order Regularization for Multimodality Registration", by A Theljani and Ke Chen, Inverse Problems and Imaging, Volume 13, No. 2, 2019, 309-335. doi:10.3934/ipi.2019016       [Try our Software ]

    • Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (Image segmentation: new model and fast ML algorithm) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF and online (OA)]

      "A Reformulated Convex and Selective Variational Image Segmentation Model and its Fast Multilevel Algorithm", by Abdul Jumaat and Ke Chen, April 2019, 13(2): 309-335. doi:10.3934/ipi.2019016

    • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (Image segmentation / less parameters) .... .... .... [Download TIP or Local PDF]

      ``Parameter-Free Selective Segmentation with Convex Variational Methods", by J Spencer, Ke Chen and J M Duan, Vol 28 (5), May 2019, pp:2163-2172.

    • International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Image segmentation: converging multigrid) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF and TF online]

      "Multigrid Algorithm based on Hybrid Smoothers for Variational and Selective Segmentation Models", by Michael Roberts, Ke Chen, and Klaus Irion, Volume 96 (8), pp.1623-1647, 2019.
    • Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (Image segmentation / Super-fast algorithm) .... .... .... [Download Local PDF]

      An Optimization Based Multilevel Algorithm for Variational Image Segmentation, by Abdul K. Jumaat and Ke Chen. volume 46, (2017), pp.474-504.
    • AIP Conference Proceedings 1870, 050007 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4995917 .... .... .... [Download Local PDF]

      Unifying framework for decomposition models of parametric and non-parametric image registration, Mazlinda Ibrahim and Ke Chen,

    • Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (Image segmentation) .... .... .... [Download PDF (OA) or Local PDF]

      Multiphase segmentation based on new signed pressure force functions and one level set function, by Haider Ali, Noor Badshah, Ke Chen, Gulzar Ali KHAN1, Nosheen Zikria1. (2017) 25: 2943-2955.

    • East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics (Image registration) .... .... .... [Cambridge PDF or Local PDF]

      An Efficient Numerical Method for Mean Curvature-Based Image Registration Model by J Zhang, Ke Chen, B Yu, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 7(01):125-142 Feb 2017.

    • Computers & Mathematics with Applications (Image registration) .... .... .... [Science Direct Paper or Local PDF]

      A novel high-order functional based image registration model with inequality constraint, by J Zhang, Ke Chen, B Yu, Comput. Math. Appl., 72 (2016), no. 12, pp.2887-2899.

    • Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology (Simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation) .... .... .... [Download PDF (OA)]

      ``A new augmented Lagrangian primal dual algorithm for elastica regularization'',
      by J P Zhang, K Chen, Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 2016, Vol 10: 325-338

    • Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology (Simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation) .... .... .... [Download PDF (OA)]

      ``An effective variational model for simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation of blurred images'',
      by Williams BM, Spencer JA, Chen K, Zheng Y, Harding S Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 2016, Vol 10: 244-26

    • Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology (Fractional deconvolution) ....................... [Download PDF (Open Access)]

      ``A new image deconvolution method with fractional regularisation'', by Williams BM, Zhang J P, Chen K, 2016, Vol 10: 265-276.

    • Applied Mathematical Modelling (Inverse problems, New image registration model ............................ ............................ [Download Local PDF]

      ``An improved discontinuity-preserving image registration model and its fast algorithm'', by Zhang J, Chen K, Yu B, Vol 40, 10740-10759, 2016

    • Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology (Joint segmentation and Registration)

      An improved model for joint segmentation and registration based on linear curvature smoother, by M Ibrahim, Ke Chen, L Rada, Vol 10 (4), pp.314-324, 2016, https://doi.org/10.1177/1748301816668027

    • International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling (Inverse problems, New image registration model) ............... [Download PDF (OA)]

      ``A new curvature-based image registration model and its fast algorithm'', by Zhang J, Chen K, Vol 13(6):969-985, 2016.

    • Pattern Recognition (Inverse problems, segmentation beyond Chan-Vese framework) ............ ............ [Download Local PDF or Sci Direct]

      "Active contours textural and inhomogeneous object extraction",                               [Try our Software ]
      by L Mabood, Haider Ali, Noor Badshah, Ke Chen, G Khan (2016), Vol 55, 87-99

    • Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (Deblurring / selection of optimal parameters) .................. [Download Local PDF]

      "Iterative constrained minimization for vectorial TV image deblurring",
      by K. Chen, E Loli Piccolomini, F. Zama, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol 54 (2), pp.240-255, 2016,

    • Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (Inverse problems, Deblur, Preconditioner) ................. [Download Local PDF or PDF]

      "Preconditioning Techniques for an Image Deblurring Problem", by Ke Chen, Faisal Fairag and Adel Al-Mahdi, Vol 23(3), pp.570-584, 2016
    • Pattern Recognition (Inverse problems, New segmentation model beyond Chan-Vese framework) .................. [Download Local PDF]

      ``A variational model with hybrid images data fitting energies for segmentation of images with intensity inhomogeneity'', by Haider Ali, Noor Badshah, Ke Chen and Gulzar Ali Khan, Pattern Recognition, Vol 51 (2016) pp. 27-42.       [Try our Software ]
    • Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Inverse problems, Image Restoration) ............................... [See Online + Local PDF] + Try our Software]

      "Image denoising using the Gaussian curvature of the image surface", by Carlos Brito-Loeza, Ke Chen and V Uc-Cetina, Vol 32 (3), 1066-1089
    • SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (Image restoration and theory of fractional TV)

      "A Total Fractional-Order Variation Model for Image Restoration with Non-homogeneous Boundary Conditions and its Numerical Solution", by Jianping Zhang and Ke Chen, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 8 (4), 2015, pp. 2487-2518.
      ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... [Download Local PDF // See also PDF arXiv] doi + Try our Software ]
    • Science China Mathematics (Mandarin) (X-ray Tomography and new model)

      On some variational models and their algorithms for axially symmetric objects tomography from a single X-ray source (in Chinese), by Ke Chen and Suhua Wei, Sci Sin Math, 2015, 45: 1537-1548, doi: 10.1360/N012015-00072. [See PDF]

    • IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (Image segmentation and new model)

      ``Automated Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Infinite Perimeter Active Contour Model with Hybrid Region Information", by Yitian Zhao, Lavdie Rada, Ke Chen, Simon P Harding and Yalin Zheng, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging (TMI), (2015), Vol. 34 (9), pp.1797-1807. [See also PDF]

    • Journal of Computational Physics (Image registration and new model)

      Variational image registration by a total fractional-order variation model, by Jianping Zhang and Ke Chen, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol 293, (2015), pp. 442-461
      [See PDF or DOI information: 10.1016/j.jcp.2015.02.021]
    • Numerical Algorithms (Image deblurring and positivity)

      "A new constrained total variational deblurring model and its fast algorithm", by Bryan M. Williams, Ke Chen, Simon P. Harding, Vol 69 (2), pp 415-441, 2015.
      DOI 10.1007/s11075-014-9904-2
    • International Journal Numerical Analysis and Modeling (Fast algorithms and new denoising models)
      "An adaptive second order variational model for image denoising", by Fenlin Yang, Ke Chen and Bo Yu,
      to appear.

    • Communications in Mathematical Sciences (Image segmentation, new local model)
      "A Convex and Selective Variational Model for Image Segmentation", by Jack Spencer and Ke Chen,
      Vol. 13 (6), pp.1453-1452, 2015. [See Local PDF]
    • International Journal of Computational Mathematics (Image Deblurring, Blind deconvolution)
      ``A New Study of Blind Deconvolution with Implicit Incorporation of Nonnegativity Constraints'',
      by Ke Chen, Simon P. Harding, Bryan M. Williams, and Yalin Zheng, Vol 2015 (2015), ID 860263
      (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/860263) [See Free PDF]
    • International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Image segmentation, 3D local model)
      "A Fast Algorithm for Automatic Segmentation and Extraction of A Single Object By Active Surfaces", by J P Zhang, Ke Chen and D Gould, Vol 92 (6), pp.1251-1274, 2015. DOI:10.1080/00207160.2014.931943
      [See Local PDF + Software ]

    • Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (Inverse problems, Image Registration)
      ``A Robust Multigrid Approach for Variational Image Registration Models", by Noppadol Chumchob and Ke Chen, Vol.236 (2011) 653-674. [LOCAL PDF] + [Software ]

    • SIAM J. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation (Inverse problems, Image Registration)
      "A fourth order variational image registration model and its fast multigrid algorithm", by Noppadol Chumchob, Ke Chen and Carlos Brito, Vol 9 (1), pp.89-128, 2011. [Download PDF via SIAM, LOCAL PDF]

    • Proceedings of IMSE2010 (Dense matrix problems, Algorithms, Applications)
      "Efficient Iterative Methods for Fast Solution of Integral Operators Related Problems", by Ke Chen, in: Integral Methods in Science and Engineering - Computational and analytic aspects, eds. C Constanda and P J Harris, pp.79-90, ISBN 978-0-8176-8237-8. [Download LOCAL PDF]

    • Inverse Problem and Imaging (Inverse problems, Image Denoising)
      "Nonlinear multigrid solver with line Gauss-Seidel-semismooth-Newton smoother for the Fenchel pre-dual in total variation based image restoration", by Ke Chen, Yiqiu Dong, and Michael Hintermueller, Volume 5 (2), pp.323-339. [Download LOCAL PDF]

    • SIAM J. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation (Variational Image Restoration and Analysis of Multilevel Solver)
      "An Optimization-based Multilevel Algorithm for Total Variation image denoising", by Tony F. Chan and Ke Chen, Vol 5(2), pp.615-645. (See also CAM 06-28).
      [Download Draft and Final (in pdf) ]

    • Journal of Numerical Algorithms (Inverse problems, Variational Image Restoration and Fast Iterative Solver)
      "On a nonlinear multigrid algorithm with primal relaxation for the image total variation minimization", by Tony F. Chan and Ke Chen, Vol 41, pp.387-411. (See also CAM 05-68). [Download Paper (in pdf) ]

    • IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (Preconditioner and Fast Iterative Solver)
      A two-level sparse approximate inverse preconditioner for unsymmetric matrices, by Ke Chen and Martyn D. Hughes, Vol 26 (1), pp.11-24. [Download Paper (in pdf.gz) ]

    • CMA - Proc. 1st PDE Image Processing Conf. (Inverse problems, Variational Image Restoration and Fast Iterative Solver)
      "Nonlinear Multilevel Schemes for Solving the Total Variation Image Minimization Problem" by Tony F. Chan, Ke Chen and Xue-Cheng Tai, In: "Image Processing Based On Partial Differential Equations", eds. X.-C. Tai, K.-A. Lie, T. F. Chan and S. Osher, pp.265-288, Springer-Verlag. [Download Paper (in pdf.gz) ]

    • CMA - Proc. 1st PDE Image Processing Conf. (Inverse problems, Image Restoration and Fast Iterative Solver)
      "On multigrids for solving a class of improved total variation based PDE models", by Joe Savage and Ke Chen, In: "Image Processing Based On Partial Differential Equations", eds. X.-C. Tai, K.-A. Lie, T.F. Chan and S. Osher, pp.69-94, Springer-Verlag. [Download Paper (in pdf.gz) ]

    • SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (Wavelets)
      An implicit wavelet approximate inverse preconditioner, by Stuart C. Hawkins and Ke Chen, Vol 27, Number 2, pp. 667-686. [Download Paper (in ps.gz) ]

    • International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Inverse problems, Image Restoration and Fast Iterative Solver)
      An improved and accelerated nonlinear multigrid method for total-variation denoising, by Joseph Savage and Ke Chen, , Vol 82, (8), pp.1001-1015, 2005. [Download Paper (in pdf.gz) ]

    • International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (Wavelets)
      An operator splitting preconditioner for matrices arising from a wavelet boundary element method for the Helmholtz equation, by Stuart C. Hawkins, Ke Chen and Paul J. Harris, Vol 3 (4), 601-620. [to add: Download Paper (in ps.gz) ]

    • P. J. Harris and K. CHEN (2005), Some Results and observations on Solving High Frequency Acoustic Radiation Problems, in: UKBIM5 - Proc. 5th UK conf. on BIE, Liverpool University Press.

    • J. Savage and K. CHEN (2005), On a multigrid method for an inverse problem from modeling image deblurring, in: UKBIM5 - Proc. 5th UK conf. on BIE, Liverpool University Press.

    • K. Shanazari and K. CHEN (2005), A Parallel Non-overlapping Domain De- composition Dual Reciprocity Method, in: UKBIM5 - Proc. 5th UK conf. on BIE, Liverpool University Press.

    • Inverse problems (Variational Image Restoration and Fast Iterative Solver)
      A nonlinear multigrid method for curvature equations related to total variation minimization, by Ke Chen and Xue-cheng Tai, UCLA CAM report 05-26 (in PDF).

    • Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications, (Parallel method / Wavelets)
      Flexible parallelization of fast wavelet transforms, by Judith M. Ford, Ke Chen and Neville J. Ford, pp.155 - 169, Vol 18 (4).

    • J. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (Domain Decomposition and Boundary Elements)
      An overlapping domain decomposition dual reciprocity method, by Kamal Shanazari and Ke Chen, 2003, vol. 27, pp.845-953. [Download Paper (in ps.gz) ]

    • Journal of Numerical Algorithms (Adaptive Meshes and Boundary Elements) [Download Paper (in ps.gz) ]
      A minimal distance constrained adaptive mesh algorithm with application to the dual reciprocity method, by Kamal Shanazari and Ke Chen, vol.32, pp.275-286, 2003.

    • Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (Boundary Integral Equation).
      On efficient preconditioners for iterative solution of a Galerkin boundary element equation for the three dimensional exterior Helmholtz problem, by Paul Harris and Ke Chen, vol. 156, pp.303-318, 2003. [Download Paper (in ps.gz)]

    • IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (Bifurcation method)
      A performance-index guided continuation method for fast computation of saddle-node bifurcation in power systems, by Ke Chen, Anwar Hussein, Martin Bradley and Haibin Wan, Vol.18, No.2, pp 753-760, May 2003. [Download Paper (in ps.gz)]

    • International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Wavelets)
      On a recursive Schur preconditioner for iterative solution of a class of dense matrix problems, Judith Ford, Ke Chen and David Evans, vol. 80, no. 1, pp.105-122, 2003. [Download Paper (in ps.gz)]

    • International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos (Bifurcation method)
      On Efficient Methods for Detecting Hopf Bifurcation with Applications to Power System Instability Prediction, by Anwar Hussein and Ke Chen, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp.1247-1262 (2003). [Download Abs and Paper (in ps.gz)]

    • Proc. UK BIE4 (Domain Decomposition and Boundary Elements)
      A discontinuous Boundary Element Method for solving the three dimensional exterior Helmholtz problem, by Ke Chen and Paul J. Harris (2003), University of Salford (ed. S Amini), pp.107-116. [Download Paper (in pdf.gz) ]

    • (Wavelets)
      S. Hawkins, K. CHEN and P. J. Harris (2003). Easily inverted approximation type preconditioners based on 2D wavelets transforms over unstructured grids, Proc. 4th UK conf. on BIE, Salford University Press (ed. S Amini, Salford University Press), pp.147-156.

    • (Preconditioners)
      K. CHEN, S. Hawkins and M. D. Hughes (2003). On sparse preconditioners of the two-level deflation type, Proc. 4th UK conf. on BIE, Salford University Press (ed. S Amini), pp.165-174.

    • (Variational denoising)
      J. Savage and K. CHEN (2003). A fast iterative solver for image deconvolution, Proc. 4th UK conf. on BIE, Salford University Press (ed. S Amini), pp.185-194.

    • (Bifurcation method)
      K. CHEN and A. HUSSEIN (2003). Fast bifurcation methods for nonlinear sys- tems of power equations modelling voltage collapse, pp.15-29, in: Numerical Lin- ear Algebra and Optimisation, ed. Y. X. Yuan, Science Press.

    • Journal of Applied Numerical Mathematics (Boundary Integral Equation and Iterative Solver)
      Efficient preconditioners for iterative solution of the boundary element equations for the three dimensional Helmholtz equation, by Ke Chen and Paul Harris, vol.36, pp.475-489, 2001. [Download Paper (in ps.Z) or abstract (in txt)]

    • Journal of Numerical Algorithms ( Wavelets and Iterative Solver.)
      An algorithm for accelerated computation of DWTPer-based band preconditioners, by Judy Ford and Ke Chen, vol.26 (2), pp.167-172, 2001. [Download Paper (in ps.gz) ]

    • BIT (J. Numerical Mathamtics) - ( Wavelets and Iterative Solver.)
      Wavelet-based preconditioners for dense matrices with non-smooth local features, by Judy Ford and Ke Chen, vol.41 (2), pp.282-307, 2001. [Download Paper (in ps.gz) or abstract (in txt)]

    • SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications ( Boundary Integral Equation and Iterative Solver.)
      An analysis of sparse approximate inverse preconditioners for boundary integral equations, by Ke Chen, vol.22 (3), 1058-1078, 2001. [Download Paper (in ps.Z) or abstract (in txt)]

    • International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Bifurcation method)
      An analysis of Seydel's test function methods nonlinear power flow equations, by Ke Chen, Anwar Hussein and Haibin Wan, vol. 78 No. 1/2, pp.451-470, 2001. [Download Paper (in ps.gz)]

    • J. M. Ford and K. CHEN (2001). A wavelet-based preconditioning method for a class of dense matrices, Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Algorithms for Approximation, University of Huddersfield, UK.

    • K. Shananzari and K. CHEN (2001). On an adaptive mesh algorithm with minimal distance control for the dual reciprocity method, Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Algorithms for Approximation, eds. J C Mason et al, University of Huddersfield, UK.

    • K. CHEN, P. J. Harris and M. D. Hughes (2001). On iterative solution of the fluid structure interaction problem, in: UKBIM3 - Proc. 3rd UK conf. on BIE, Brighton University Press, UK.

    • K. SHANANZARI and K. CHEN (2001). An adaptive mesh method for improving the accuracy of the DRBEM for a class of partial differential equations, in: UKBIM3 - Proc. 3rd UK conf. on BIE, ed. P J Harris, Brighton University Press, UK.

    • Wavelets and Parallel Computing.
      Small-scale Parallel Implementation of Fast Wavelet Transforms, by Judith Ford, Ke Chen and Neville J. Ford, Numerical Analysis Report 388, 2001, Manchester Centre for Computational Mathematics. [Download Paper (in ps.gz)]

    • Wavelets and Parallel Computing.
      Parallel Implementation of Fast Wavelet Transforms, by Judith Ford, Ke Chen and Neville J. Ford, Numerical Analysis Report 389, 2001, Manchester Centre for Computational Mathematics. [Download Paper (in ps.gz)]

    • Partial Differential Equation
      A numerical algorithm for the solution of the governing equations of thermal plasmas,
      by Bob E. Blundell, Ke Chen and Mike T. C. Fang, Proc. 6th Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics, 1998, eds M. J. Baines, et al, (Oxford University Press).

    • Partial Differential Equation
      A Computational Fluid Dynamics Method Suitable for Modelling Auto-Expansion Circuit-Breakers by Bob E. Blundell, Ke Chen and Mike T. C. Fang, in: Proc. 7th Symp. Physics of Switching Arcs.

    • Particle Simulation and Ordinary Differential Equation.
      Simulation of Particle Adsorption onto a Polymer Coated Surface using the Dissipative Particle Dynamics Method
      by Jonathan Gibson, Ke Chen, Simon Chynoweth, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol.206, 464-474, 1998. See abstract.

    • Particle Simulation and Ordinary Differential Equation.
      J. B. GIBSON, K. CHEN and S CHYNOWETH (1998). `Simulation of soot agglomeration in diesel engine lubricating oil', in: Proc. 6th Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics, 1998, eds M. J. Baines, et al, (Oxford University Press).

    • Boundary Integral Equation and Iterative solver.
      On a class of preconditioning methods for dense linear systems from boundary elements
      by Ke Chen, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol.20 (2), 684-698, 1998. See abstract.

    • Iterative Solver and Generalised Boundary Integral Equation
      On a new preconditioning algorithm for iterative solution of generalized boundary element systems, by Ke Chen, JDUT, 49, 1-18, 1998. [Download Paper (in pdf) ]

    • Parallel Computing and Boundary Elements
      Solutions of boundary element equations by a flexible elimination process, by C. H. Lai and K. Chen, Contemp. Math., 218, 311-317, 1998.

      Iterative Solver and 2D Boundary Integral Equation
      `Preconditioning of 2D singular integral equations', by K. Chen, in: DDM9 Proc. 9th Conf. Domain Decomposition Methods, eds. P. E. Bjorstad et al.

    • 1995. Solution of singular boundary element equations based on domain splitting,
      by Ke Chen,
      In: DDM8 ``Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering''
      by R. Glowinski / Z C Shi et al, pp.43-50, (John-Wiley).

    • 1992. Selection of optimal meshes for the solution of nonlinear dopant diffusion problems,
      by K. Chen, International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 11 (4),433-444.

    • 1991. Conjugate gradient methods for the solution of boundary integral equations on a piecewise smooth boundary,
      by K. Chen, Journal of Computational Physics, 97 (1), 127-143.


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