N-space tools for hard-scattering analyses (2004)
- The code (tarred and gezipped) and the
manual hep-ph/0408244 = Comput. Phys. Commun. 170 (2005) 65-92
(.ps and .pdf files)
of the package QCD-PEGASUS for the evolution of unpolarized and
polarized parton distributions of hadrons.
- A factor UNS2(1,...) was missing in the quantity AFI1 for the truncated
NNLO non-singlet evolution in the routine ens2n.f.
Here is the corrected file for the Routines/
subdirectory. Reported by A. Piccione, Genova (2006).
- Some arguments of EBETA were not explicitly complexified in the input
files inplmom2.f and
inppmom2.f, causing trouble with some compilers. Moreover, input
coefficients were mistyped in the former routine in the momentum fraction
ADV. All this is corrected in the routines linked here.
Reported by C. Schuck, Dortmund, and G. Salme, Rome (2008).
- The routine for the Euler Beta function used a first-argument inflection
which did not work properly for almost all (but not the benchmark) inputs,
causing significant errors at very large x. Here
is a corrected routine which actually is also faster by not using the
inflection formula at all.
Found in collaboration with S. Brensing, Aachen (2010).
- The first argument in CALL EVNFFN in the routine
nparton.f was misspelled, causing the fixed-N evolution to crash in
fixed flavour-number mode. This is corrected in the file linked above.
Reported by G. Ferrera, Milano (2017).
The complex-N approach can be employed for the general hard-scattering
case, where the coefficient functions are not analytically known, see the
first application in hep-ph/9506333 (Z. Phys. C70
(1996) 77-82) and the improved implementation of Stratmann and Vogelsang,
hep-ph/0107064 = Phys. Rev. D64 (2001) 114007.
- An early study was performed during the 1995/6 HERA workshop, see
- The definitive benchmark tables for the LO and `iterated' NLO
solutions in the unpolarized case are in the report of the QCD/SM
working group of the 2001 Les Houches Workshop, here is the relevant
section of hep-ph/0204316
- The extension to the polarized LO and NLO and the (final) unpolarized
NNLO evolution has been presented in the proceedings of the 2004/5
HERA/LHC workshop, as a section of hep-ph/0511119
The corresponding results for the `truncated' solutions have been calculated,
but not published so far.