Prof P.G. Appleby



Research interests

Environmental Sciences. Dating lake and estuarine sediments and peat bogs using 210Pb, 137Cs and 241 Am; modelling the transport of fallout radionuclides through catchment/lake systems; their use as tracers in studies of erosion and environmental pollution.

Some recent projects

  • EMERGE - European Mountain lake Ecosystems: Regionalisation, diaGnostic & socio-economic Evaluation (European Commission, 2000-2003)
  • Using spheroidal carbonaceous particles to establish a reliable recent lake sediment chronology for the future (NERC, 2000-2002)
  • Research into the quantification and causes of upland erosion (NERC, 1997-2000)
  • MOLAR - Measuring and modelling the dynamic response of remote mountain lake ecosystems to environmental change (European Commission, 1996-1999)
  • Large-scale and long-term environmental behaviour of transuranic elements as modelled through European surface water systems (European Commission, 1996-1999)
  • 210Pb and 137Cs as tracers of global circulation (European Commission, 1996-1999)

Selected papers

·         Piliposian G.T. & Appleby P.G.
A simple model of the origin and transport of 222Rn and 210Pb in the atmosphere.  Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., 2003, 15: 503-518

·         Appleby P. G., Haworth E.Y., Michel H., Short D.B., Laptev G. & Piliposian G.T.
The transport and mass balance of fallout radionuclides in Blelham Tarn, Cumbria (UK). J Paleolimnology, 2003, 29: 459-473.

·         Piliposian G.T. & Appleby P.G.
A model of the impact of winter ice cover on pollutant concentrations and fluxes in mountain lakes.  Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 2003, 44: 101-115.

·         Appleby P.G., Koulikov A.O., Camarero L. & Ventura M.
The input and transmission of fallout radionuclides through Redó, a high mountain lake in the Spanish Pyrenees. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 2002, Focus 2:19-31.

·         Appleby P. G.
Chronostratigraphic techniques in recent sediments, in Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments Volume 1: Basin Analysis, Coring, and Chronological Techniques, (eds W M Last & J P Smol), Kluwer Academic, 2001, pp171-203.

·         Appleby P.G., Flower R.J., Mackay A.W. & Rose N.L.
Paleolimnological assessment of recent environmental change in Lake Baikal: Sediment chronology
J. Paleolimnology, 1998, 20, 119-133

  • Shotyk W., Weiss D., Appleby P.G., Cheburkin A.K., Frei R., Gloor M., Kramers J.D., Reese S. & Van der Knapp
    History of atmospheric lead deposition since 12,370 14C yr BP from a peat bog, Jura Mountains, Switzerland
    Science, 1998, 281, 1625-1640
  • Roman C.T., Peck J.A., Allen J.R., King J.W. & Appleby P.G.
    Accretion of a New England (USA) salt marsh in response to inlet migration, storms and sea-level rise
    Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Sci, 1997, 45, 717-727
  • Appleby P.G., Shotyk W. & Frankhauser A.
    210Pb age dating of three peat cores in the Jura Mountains, Switzerland
    Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 1997, 100, 223-231
  • Smith J.T., Appleby P.G., Hilton J. & Richardson N.
    Inventories and fluxes of 210Pb, 137Cs and 241Am determined from the soils of three small catchments in Cumbria, UK
    J. Environ. Radioact., 1997, 37, 127-142
  • Appleby P.G.
    The use of 210Pb and 137Cs as tracers in modelling transport processes in lake catchment systems
    Freshwater and Estuarine Radioecology, Proceedings of an International Seminar, Lisbon, Elsevier, 1997, pp 441-448
  • Appleby P.G.
    Sediment records of fallout radionuclides and their application to studies of sediment-water interactions
    Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 1997, 99, 573-586
  • Jones V.J., Battarbee R.W., Rose N.L., Curtiss C., Appleby P.G., Harriman R. & Shine A.J.
    Evidence for the pollution of Loch Ness from the analysis of its recent sediments
    Sci. Tot. Environ., 1997, 203, 37-49
  • Smith J.T., Leonard D.R.P., Hilton J. & Appleby P.G.
    Towards a generalized model for the primary and secondary contamination of lakes by Chernobyl-derived radiocaesium
    Health Physics, 1997, 72, 880-892
  • Shotyk W., Cheburkin A.K., Appleby P.G., Fankhauser A., Kramers J.D.
    Two thousand years of atmospheric arsenic, antimony and lead deposition recorded in a peat bog profile, Jura Mountains, Switzerland.
    Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 1996, 145, E1-E7
  • Appleby, P.G., V.I.Jones & J.C.Ellis-Evans
    Radiometric dating of lake sediments from Signy Island (maritime Antarctic): evidence of recent climatic change
    J. Palaeolimnology, 1995, 13:179-191
  • Appleby,P.G. & J.T.Smith
    The transport of radionuclides in lake-catchment systems
    Proc. UNESCO Workshop on Hydrological Impact of Nuclear Power Plant Systems, Paris, 1993, 264-275.
  • Appleby,P.G. & F.Oldfield
    Application of 210Pb to sedimentation studies
    In: Uranium series disequilibrium (eds. M.Ivanovich & R.S.Harmon), OUP, 1992, 731-778.
  • Appleby,P.G., N.Richardson, & P.J.Nolan
    Self-absorption corrections for well-type germanium detectors
    Nucl. Inst.& Methods B, 1992, 71, 228-233.
  • Appleby,P.G., N.Richardson,N. & P.J.Nolan
    241Am dating of lake sediments
    Hydrobiologia, 1991, 214, 35-42.
  • Appleby,P.G., Richardson,N., Nolan,P.J. & F.Oldfield
    Radiometric dating of the United Kingdom SWAP sites
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B, 1990, 327, 233-238.
  • Appleby.P.G., P.J.Nolan, D.W.Gifford, M.J.Godfrey, F.Oldfield, N.J.Anderson & R.W.Battarbee
    210Pb dating by low-background gamma counting
    Hydrobiologia, 1986, 143, 21-27
  • Appleby,P.G. & F.Oldfield
    The calculation of 210Pb dates assuming a constant rate of supply of unsupported 210Pb to the sediment.
    Catena, 1978, 5:1-8


Presentations at some recent international conferences

University of Utrecht, 24-27 April 2003, to present an invited paper at the ESF-HOLIVAR Workshop on Holocene dating, chronologies, and age modelling.

CSIC Barcelona, 4-5 October 2002, to present an invited paper at the conference on "Records of the dispersion of trace metals in the environment: the case of the Pyrenees mountains and their surrounding areas".

GKSS Workshop on Lead Pollution in Europe, 19-20 February 2001, Hamburg, Germany, to present a paper on “210Pb as a tracer for normalising Pb records in lake sediments and peat bogs”. 

International conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, 6-10 August 2000, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, to present a paper on “The use of fallout radionuclides as tracers for studying heavy metal records in peat bogs”.

Eighth International Paleolimnology Symposium, 20-26 August 2000, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, to present a paper on “Sediment records of fallout radionuclides in Blelham Tarn, Cumbria (UK)”.

5th Encontro Nacional de Aplicações Nucleares, 15-20 October 2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to present an invited paper on “Dating Sediment Records by 210Pb”.

International symposium on High Mountain Lakes and Streams, 4-8 September 2000, University of Innsbruck, Austria, to present a paper on “The input and transmission of fallout radionuclides through Redó, a high mountain lake in the Spanish Pyrenees”.

Projects for prospective PhD students

Use of fallout 210Pb to model soil erosion;
Post-depositional migration of radionuclides in sediment cores;
Modelling transport of 210Pb in the atmosphere and application to global circulation models;

Recent postgraduates and associated projects

Fallout records of trace metals and radionuclides in high mountain lakes, (thesis pending).

Unsupported 226Ra chronology of Holocene lake systems, 2000

Ahmad Saat
Modelling self-absorption and cascade summing corrections in gamma spectrometry, 1999

Quantitative models of lake sediment records and atmospheric fluxes, 1999

Modelling the transport of radiocaesium in lake/catchment/river systems, 1994

The role of Chernobyl-derived fallout in lake sediment studies, 1991

Transport mechanisms for long-lived Chernobyl deposits, 1990

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Lac d'Aube, one of the study sites for the AL:PE programme