- Investigation
into the photocatalytic hydrogenation of norbornadiene and dimethylfumarate
using polyethylene matrices
G.I. Childs, A.I. Cooper, T.F.
Nolan, M.J. Carrott, M.W. George and M.
Poliakoff, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2001 123, 6857 (Article)
(click here to read
The Alchemist review of this paper)
- Synthesis of well-defined macroporous
polymer monoliths by sol-gel polymerization in supercritical CO2
A.I. Cooper, C.D. Wood and A.B. Holmes, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2000 39, 4741 (Article, Special
SCF Edition)
- Copolymerization of CO2 and 1,2-cyclohexene oxide using a CO2-soluble
chromium porphyrin catalyst
S.A. Mang, A.I. Cooper, M.E. Colclough,
N. Chauhan and A.B. Holmes, Macromolecules, 2000 33, 303 (Article)
- Extraction of a hydrophilic compound
from water into liquid CO2 using dendritic
A.I. Cooper, J.D. Londono, G. Wignall, J.B. McClain, E.T. Samulski,
J.S. Lin, A. Dobrynin, M. Rubinstein, A.L.C.
Burke, J.M.J. Fréchet and J.M. DeSimone, Nature, 1997
389, 368
click here to
read News & Views article on this work)
- "Solvent-free" photochemical
activation of CH4, C2H4 and C2H6 by (C5Me5)Ir(CO)2 in supercritical fluid solution
J.A. Banister, A.I. Cooper, S.M. Howdle, M. Jobling
and M. Poliakoff, Organometallics, 1996
15, 1804 (Article)
- Polymer synthesis and characterization
in liquid / supercritical carbon dioxide
A.I. Cooper and J.M. DeSimone, Curr. Opin. Solid
State Mater. Sci., 1996 1, 761 (Review)
- Organometallic Chemistry at High Pressures and
Low Temperatures.
A.I. Cooper, PhD Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1994
- Spectroscopic analysis and in situ
monitoring of impregnation and extraction of polymer films and powders
using supercritical fluids
S.M. Howdle, J.M. Ramsay and A.I. Cooper, J. Polym. Sci., Part B, Polym. Phys., 1994
32, 541 (Article)
- IR spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions
in polymer films
S.G. Kazarian, A.I. Cooper and M. Poliakoff, Optics & Spectroscopy, 1994
76, 217. (Communication)
Translated from Optika I Spektroskopiya,
1994 76, 242 (Russian)
- Spectroscopic probes for hydrogen bonding, extraction,
impregnation and reaction in supercritical fluids
A.I. Cooper, S.M. Howdle, C. Hughes, M. Jobling,
S.G. Kazarian, M. Poliakoff, L. Shepherd and
K.P. Johnston, Analyst, 1993 118, 1111 (Article)
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