
Technology Career Cluster

Welcome to our fastest-growing career cluster - technology! This cluster is for innovative, curious, hard-working and imaginative graduates like you, and your skills are in demand.

The technology cluster covers a wide range of local, national and global employers and endless opportunities. Whether you are thinking big (like Google) or small (like a local SME) one thing is for sure – your impact will be felt in the work that you do. And the technology cluster is the perfect place for you. 

Industries in this cluster

All of the industries in the technology career cluster include:

  • Software development
  • User experience
  • IT consultancy and sales
  • IT training and technical writing
  • IT operations and support
  • Cyber security and forensic computing
  • Games development
  • Digital advertising and marketing
  • Data analytics and data science 

Employers in this cluster

Top employers recruiting now: