Application checks

Having somebody else check an application is always a good thing. That’s why we’ve set up a quick and easy application checking service, just for you!

Application forms are an essential part of the recruitment process, offering employers a systematic way of being able to compare different candidates. Whether you are applying to one or many roles, making a speculative application, or just want to make a start on your CV – we've got the support you need.

Before you start your application

Before you start, you can speak to a Career Coach to find out how best and evidence your skills, and tailor your application to suit the role you are applying for.

We have also put together an application checklist with essential checks that will instantly improve your application!

What is a speculative application?

In this video Career Coach Anna tells us more about speculative applications and how to contact potential employers, get access to untapped opportunities and expand your professional network.

Application check

If you are ready for your application to be checked, send a Handshake message together with your application and a Career Coach will review it and provide feedback.

Sounds obvious but visit the Careers Studio! I can't emphasise enough how a visit will act as a perfect starting point for your employability journey. It's free, and you don't have need to book, what else could you ask for?

Aidan Szilardy, Career Coach and Politics student

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