Name a Seat stories: In memory of Emeritus Professor Dr Herbert Henry Burchnall OBE

To celebrate our new teaching and performance facility, the Yoko Ono Lennon Centre, alumni and friends are invited to name a seat in the 400-seat Tung Auditorium. Many of these seats have been given in loving memory of treasured members of the University of Liverpool community, one of whom is Emeritus Professor Dr Herbert Henry Burchnall OBE (Hon LLD 1984).
The University of Liverpool was saddened to learn of the passing of Emeritus Professor Herbert Burchnall OBE (Hon LLD 1984), in May last year, aged 101 years. Professor Burchnall had a dedicated affiliation with the University and the city of Liverpool, which began with his arrival in 1951, and followed with his appointment as University Registrar from 1962 to 1984.
The University is most privileged to have been remembered in his will, and with his family’s blessing we are proud to name a seat in the Tung Auditorium, to pay tribute to his memory and his Liverpool legacy. A great supporter and friend of the University and the city, Professor Burchnall was a keen supporter of the arts and cultural development.
On his retirement in 1984, Professor Burchnall was given an Honorary Degree by the University and awarded an OBE by the Queen for his service, for which he is recorded to be Britain’s longest serving University Registrar.
As the Senate voiced their appreciation for Professor Burchnall on his retirement, they acknowledged the outstanding legacy which he left on the University: "He has played an outstanding role in the development of the University during the past 22 years, seeking always to advance the ideal of academic excellence, and equally maintaining his concern for members of the University as individuals. He has given generously of his talents, and his benevolent influence has extended into every aspect of University life."
Though Professor Burchnall’s legacy is already woven into the history of the University, we are proud to have his name live on in the future of this new space. If you like to find out more about naming a seat in memory of a loved one, please visit our website or email: