Name a Seat Stories: The personal stories behind the plaques, part ten

We continue to be blessed with many wonderful stories from alumni and friends who have chosen to name a seat in the Tung Auditorium. With just under a year until the Yoko Ono Lennon Centre opens its doors, we are extremely thankful to everyone who has played a part in this campaign. You can read some of these stories below:
“A beautiful journey of love story begins, when Eddie (MPhil in Mechanical Engineering) and I (BEng in Civil Engineering) met at the University of Liverpool in 2006. We left our footprints everywhere in the campus, knowing that the university is going to launch such a unique asset, Yoko Ono Lennon Centre, to be a lead of the world-class academy.
We would love to make this small contribution not only to make a special print for our 10 years marriage anniversary and our three lovely children, but also to give some support during this challenge period of time.
We wish everyone all the best, looking forward to visiting the place one day.” Mrs Judy Ding (BEng in Civil Engineering, 2006)
“When it came time to go to Liverpool for the ceremony in 2012 my parents had both passed away and I asked my son to come with me. He was an amazing support, and we had such a great time. I would have loved for my mother to be there but my son Greg, he knew and he hugged me and spoke of how Gran knew I had passed another milestone. Sometimes our children surprise us.
The ability to put his name on a chair in a location that is part of the University of Liverpool is a way of letting him know how special him being there was to me and how much I still cherish it.” Mr Ian Fountain (MSc International Management, 2012)
“Ellis Williams Architects has delivered the design for the Yoko Ono Lennon Centre which has been a huge honour and thrill especially because the team behind the design are Alumna of the University of the Liverpool. To be part of this prestigious, unique, and prominent building on a site that the team are so familiar with makes it extra special and we hope gives inspiration to the graduates of the future.” Ellis William Architects
“Robert Dickinson (BSc 1924, PhD 1926) married Florence O’Brien (BSc 1926). They met at the University of Liverpool and married in 1932. Their younger daughter, Betty Dickinson met Richard Underwood in the dissecting room at the University of Liverpool Medical School. They graduated with MBChB in 1961. Their eldest son Michael gained his MBChB and BSc from the University of Liverpool Medical School in 1983. Het Rachel Harding in the student accommodation where they shared lodgings. She graduated with a BA and they married in 1995.” Dr Betty and Dr Richard Underwood (MBChB Medicine, 1961).
“I was a student at Liverpool between 1967 and ’70 and graduated with an Honours Degree in Law. It was a heady time of poetry and politics, from ‘Events’ at the Everyman to protest marches and sit-ins at the Senate building. I was honoured to return to live in Liverpool in 2004 as the National Trust’s custodian of ‘Mendips’ the former Liverpool home of John Lennon.” Mr Colin Hall (LLB Hons Law, 1970)
“I feel a special connection with the Unviersity of Liverpool. My mother studied for an Arts degree in the 1920s and her brother for an Electrical Engineering degree in the 1930s. I took the same course as my uncle in the 1960s followed by my PhD. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Liverpool, and I am thankful for the start it gave me for my career.” Dr Alan Barker (BEng Electrical Engineering, 1964 and PhD in Philosophy, 1971)
“I joined the Drama and Elocution group which met in the evening many years ago. I gained the part of Ada in Hobson’s Choice. Great fun.” Mrs Barbara Barker
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