Zherui Lin: My experience as an Audit Intern

Hello everyone, I'm Zherui, currently in my final year studying Mathematics BSc (Hons). I transferred to Liverpool on the XJTLU 2+2 route.

Read my blog in English

Today, I'd like to share my internship experiences. I have completed two internships: the first one at a financial technology company in China, and the second as an Audit Intern during the summer at PwC UK.

During my summer audit internship at PwC UK, I was involved in the auditing processes for an energy company and a retail company. This internship honed my financial and business analysis skills, gave me a clear understanding of financial characteristics across industries, and enhanced my cross-cultural communication skills by working with colleagues from around the world. In the end, I secured a return offer.

I'm thankful for our University's Handshake platform, which provided links to career fairs and helped me to get to know about various companies across the UK. This was an essential step to securing internships.

I'm also immensely grateful to Career Studio, for its support with interviews. A Career Coach helped me to revise my resume and conducted a mock interview with me for my final round at PwC. This covered important topics such as corporate values, teamwork, and analytical skills, which helped me to prepare and structure my responses better in the final interview. It also familiarised me with the cultural norms and etiquette of the UK workplace. In particular, being prepared to discuss analytical skills was a decisive factor in receiving my offer.

The free information and mock interviews provided by Career Studio bridged the information and cultural gap in finding internships in the UK. I encourage students interested in exploring job opportunities abroad to make the most of this accessible and free platform!

I hope everyone successfully finds their internships!

Read my blog in Chinese

大家好,我是Zherui,目前正在利物浦大学攻读数学专业本科最后一年,我通过  2+2 项目来到利物浦大学学习。



大二入学后开始准备简历(9月),找Career Studio改简历,10月到11月开始投递英国暑期实习,笔试,找Career StudioMock面试,一面,终面,拿到暑期实习offer,背调,入职

在英国普华永道会计师事务所(PwC)审计暑期实习期间,我参与了1个能源公司和1个零售公司的审计流程。通过此次实习,我锻炼了自己的财物分析能力和商业分析能力,对不同行业的财务特征和有清晰的认识,同时我通过和来自己世界各地的员工工作锻炼了自己的跨文化交际能力,最后也成功拿到了return offer。

目前我即将从利物浦大学本科毕业,我选择的毕业工作是EDF Energy(英国发电量排名第一的法资能源公司)Data & Tech Graduate 职位(数据科学+IT工程师) 投递流程:

我总共经历了两轮英国的秋招,有官网投递也有线下内推,第一次秋招投递了100+公司,面试了20余次后只上岸了PwC;第二次秋招投递了70+公司,面试了20余次后上岸EDF Energy。最终选择了英国发电量排名第一的法资能源公司。





对于面试方面,我非常感谢Career Studio,一位Career  Coach帮我做了简历修改和PwC终面的mock interview,涵盖了企业价值观,合作能力,分析能力等等领域的问题,提前帮助我搭建好面试的故事库,使得我在终面时的回答更加结构化,同时也让我体会到在英国工作需要遵守的文化和礼仪,除了分析能力,这是我拿到offer的决定性因素。

Career Studio提供的免费的信息渠道和mock面试的机会,为我找英国实习抹平了信息差和文化差异,有志于探索海外求职路线的同学们要利用好这个免费且方便的平台!


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