Suxiang Zhong: My experience of the mathematics summer school

Hello! My name is Suxiang Zhong, I'm currently in my third year studying Mathematics with Finance BSc (Hons) on the XJTLU 2+2 programme.

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What I learned from the summer school

In summer 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Random Structures, Applied Probability and Computation Summer School hosted by the London Mathematical Society Probability Research School. This summer school was organised by the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Stochastic, at our university. This research school was intended for students and researchers interested in probabilities theory, statistics, and applications to think and work outside the box.

I found this opportunity on the official website of the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Given its alignment with my academic interests and career aspirations, I eagerly applied. The summer school was open to every student and researcher with interests in the field of statistics.

This summer school lasted for one week. I attended lectures by various professors who presented their latest research findings in their field. Topics ranged from intricate mathematical concepts to practical applications, including Lévy models, Pólya urns, Markov trees, and other exciting topics. The schedule also included coffee breaks for networking, poster presentations for interactive discussions, and an enlightening excursion.

How summer school has helped my future study and career opportunities

The knowledge gained from this summer school significantly deepened my understanding of statistics and stochastic processes, providing a unique perspective beyond regular coursework. Despite the complex nature of the content, I extracted essential points, initiating focused self-study that has proven beneficial for my grasp of stochastic processes. Moreover, I incorporated this experience into my resume and personal statements. As an undergraduate student in Mathematics with Finance, this exposure to advanced topics in statistics and probability has been invaluable. It enhanced my understanding and served as a solid addition to my applications for postgraduate studies in statistics and related fields.

My advice for XJTLU 2+2 students considering similar academic opportunities at the University of Liverpool

For 2+2 students considering similar academic opportunities at the University of Liverpool, I suggest actively exploring the resources the university provides. Regularly check tyour school's official website and departmental emails for announcements on seminars and summer school activities. Whether you are exploring potential fields or have a clear goal, seizing these opportunities can provide valuable insights and enhance your academic journey.

Read my blog in Chinese





夏校是六月底举办的,为期一周,内容安排很丰富,有不同教授讲述他们在这个领域最新的研究成果,包括Lévy模型,Pólya urns,马尔可夫树以及统计模型在应用方面的一些有趣话题,中间还穿插了可以社交的咖啡时间、交流学术成果的海报展示会和一次远足放松。




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