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PhD studies at XJTLU

Students studying for their PhD at XJTLU will be co-supervised by staff at XJTLU and the University of Liverpool, providing the opportunity for all PhD students to spend a period of time studying at Liverpool.

PhD co-supervision

All XJTLU PhD students are allocated a primary supervisor at XJTLU. As the University of Liverpool is the awarding body for these research degrees, you will also be allocated a co-supervisor at the University of Liverpool.   
The level of interaction from the co-supervisor will vary from one project to another and may also depend on the point at which you are in your PhD journey, however, the University of Liverpool values these relationships because they are important collaborations between our two institutions.

All postgraduate research projects undertaken with a non-UK researcher are subject to scrutiny under UK Export Control regulations. Before your project commences with the University of Liverpool co-supervisor, they will need to check whether the project needs an export control license. We have a dedicated team to assist with this process, find out more about export controls.

The overall administration of your PhD will be managed by the XJTLU Graduate School, you can contact them by email

Visiting Liverpool as part of your PhD studies at XJTLU

All XJTLU PhD students have the option to visit the University of Liverpool for a period of 3-6 months during their studies. (Travel is subject to visa application outcome)

The XJTLU Graduate School will liaise with University of Liverpool colleagues to make the necessary arrangements on your behalf. You will live on campus in University self-catered accommodation and you will also receive a monthly stipend whilst you are in Liverpool to help with cost of living expenses.

This is an opportunity to meet and work with your academic co-supervisor and peers to further your research. It’s also a chance to immerse yourself in UK culture and experience our city. 

Applications to visit Liverpool are managed by XJTLU’s Graduate School, you can contact them by email  

Whilst you are in Liverpool for your visit, you will be fully supported by the University of Liverpool team to ensure your stay runs smoothly. You will have access to libraries, the Sports Centre and to support for your wellbeing.

Please note - You must buy travel insurance to cover the duration of your visit to the UK. Those who visit the UK from overseas are eligible for free NHS primary medical care only. If you are not a UK resident, you can only receive emergency care free of charge in our A&E (accident and emergency) departments. You will have to pay for all other treatment, including any further care after treatment in A&E.

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