Actuarial Science pathways
See the different Actuarial Science course options available on the XJTLU 2+2 programme.
Learn more about our Actuarial Science pathways
See which courses you could study by following our Actuarial Science pathways.
Actuarial Mathematics BSc (Hons)
A programme aimed at those students who want to work in the world of insurance, financial or governmental services, where actuarial mathematics plays a key role.
Studying Actuarial Mathematics at Liverpool will allow you to take your career in any number of directions. Choose this programme and you will become an expert, using mathematical models to solve financial problems.
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Mathematics with Finance BSc (Hons)
Mathematics is a fascinating, beautiful and diverse subject to study. It underpins a wide range of disciplines; from physical sciences to social science, from biology to business and finance. At Liverpool, our programmes are designed with the needs of employers in mind, to give you a solid foundation from which you may take your career in any number of directions.
This programme is designed to prepare you for a career in the banking sector, pension or investment funds, hedge funds, consultancy and auditing firms or government regulators. The course prepares students to be professionals who use mathematical models to analyse and solve financial problems under uncertainty. The programme will provide a useful perspective on how capital markets function in a modern economy.
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