Join University of Liverpool experts and guests as they discuss the future of climate change.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grab international news headlines and public attention, the global impact of climate change and environmental degradation continues to be amongst the greatest threats to public health, the global economy and biodiversity. This climate problem has not gone away.
Experts at the University of Liverpool are working with collaborators around the world to explore the impacts of climate change, to develop solutions to environmental challenges and to address knowledge gaps.
This session will be led by Professor Ric Williams who is Chair in Ocean Sciences and Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research & Impact for Science & Engineering, Ric will be joined by Professor Mark Boyle who is the Director of the Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice, Professor Karl Whittle who is a Professor of Zero Carbon & Nuclear Energy and Conservation Biologist, Dr Jenny Hodgson.
Together our panellists will discuss issues relating to climate science, emissions reduction, behaviour insights, community engagement and the development of new sustainable technologies.
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