Kevan Ryan BA (Hons), Solicitor
University Secretary and General Counsel
As University Secretary, Kevan works to ensure the highest standards of governance in liaison with the President of Council, the Vice-Chancellor and the University’s Senior Leadership Team.
As Clerk to Council he is accountable to the Council through the President of Council and reports to the Vice-Chancellor. He provides strategic, independent advice and support to Council including on their powers and procedures.
In his role as Director of Legal and Governance, Kevan is responsible for providing strategic legal advice to the University, as well as overseeing the provision of legal services, information governance and the administration of the corporate governance of Council, Senate and their respective committees. In addition, he manages communication to and from the Office for Students, as the principal regulator ensuring compliance with the public interest governance principles, ongoing registration conditions and advising on reportable issues.
Kevan is a Director of the University’s construction company ULCCO (SP) Ltd.
Prior to joining the University, Kevan worked as a commercial solicitor with leading national law firms, Eversheds and Addleshaw Goddard and in-house with Royal & Sun Alliance and Pilkington PLC.