Student support
Everybody struggles sometimes. Each of our students has access to a network of academic and pastoral support mechanisms to help them grow as a person and a professional through their studies, and to guide them to additional help in times of need.
Our Student Monitoring Sub-Committee oversees student progress and engagement, identifying and supporting students struggling to meet the demands of the course.
Pastoral support
Pastoral support helps our students take care of their physical, mental and emotional health to ensure they are able to fully engage in their studies and emerge a healthy and resilient veterinarian.
Academic support
Academic support may be as simple as helping students complete the right forms for an absence, or as complex as helping students to develop their mindset or make the most of a resit opportunity.
Student to student support mechanisms
Our students are hugely supportive of one another.
Find out more about our student to student support.
Staff to student support mechanisms
Within the School, students have an network of staff supporting them throughout their studies.
Find out more about our staff to student support.
School of Veterinary Science Counselling and Therapy
We are proud to offer bespoke counselling and therapy to our students, run via the central counselling service. Our students can access this service directly or be referred by a staff member.
Request for support system
Our students and staff can request support for any student, including themselves. Receipt of a Request for Support form allows us to ensure they are getting the support they need.
University of Liverpool Central Support Services
All University of Liverpool students have access to an impressive range of support from Student Services.
Careers and Employability Support
The careers and employability team offers innovative and personalised support to students through their pioneering Careers Studio and Handshake careers platform, plus a range of online and in-person programmes and events.
Report and Support tool
Bullying, harassment, assault, sexual misconduct, discrimination and hate crime have no place in our society.
If any of our students have been a victim, we strongly encourage them to report it and obtain support using this easy tool.