Joint (50/50) options
Equally interested in two subjects? Our 50/50 programmes are our most popular type of combined degree. Choose from over 150 combinations and study the same number of credits in each subject.
Select a subject below to see the combinations available on a 50/50 basis. You can apply for your chosen combination using the UCAS code provided. Find out more about each subject by visiting its course page. Most of the combinations listed below allow you to adjust the weighting of your subjects by 25% at the end of your first year.
Entry requirements
Most 50/50 combinations require A level grades of ABB (or equivalent). For most combinations where the entry requirements are BBB for each subject, you will need to achieve BBB. However, please note that for combinations of two languages within the Department of Languages, Cultures and Film, ABB is required.
You will need to meet the entry criteria for both subject areas, including any GCSE requirements or specific additional qualifications. For example, combinations including economics require a minimum grade A in A level mathematics for entry 2024 (grade B for entry 2023). Similarly, combinations including business require a GCSE level 5 or above in mathematics.
Please check the entry requirements listed for each subject you're interested in.
50/50 (joint) combinations available
You can apply for the following combined degrees:
Ancient History
Ancient History and:
- Archaeology (UCAS code: VV14)
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: VR10)
- Egyptology (UCAS code: V6V4)
- French (UCAS code: R1V6)
- German (UCAS code: R2V6)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: R4V6)
- History (UCAS code: V1V6)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: R3V6)
Archaeology and:
- Ancient History (UCAS code: VV14)
- Chinese Studies* (UCAS code: VR15)
- Classical Studies (UCAS code: Q8V4)
- Classics (UCAS code: Q4V4)
- Egyptology (UCAS code: V4V6)
- French (UCAS code: R1V4)
- German (UCAS code: R2V4)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: R4V4)
- History (UCAS code: V1V4)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: R3V4)
Business *
Business and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: NR10)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: PN91)
- English (UCAS code: QN31)
- French (UCAS code: NR11)
- German (UCAS code: NR12)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: NR14)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: NR13)
- Law** (UCAS code: M1N1)
- Sociology (UCAS code: L3N1)
* For any combination involving Business, the weighting of the Business component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
** 50/50 programmes involving Law do not satisfy the academic requirements of becoming either a barrister or solicitor. You will graduate with a BA (Hons). It is also not possible to increase the Law component of a 50/50 programme at the end of your first or second year, due to the requirement to complete specific modules as part of an LLB.
Chinese Studies*
Chinese Studies and:
- Ancient History (UCAS code: VR10)
- Archaeology (UCAS code: VR15)
- Business* (UCAS code: NR10)
- Classical Studies (UCAS code: QR10)
- Classics (UCAS code: QR15)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: PR10)
- Criminology (UCAS code: LR10)
- Economics* (UCAS code: LR11)
- Egyptology (UCAS code: VR16)
- English (UCAS code: QR16)
- English Language (UCAS code: QR17)
- English Literature (UCAS code: QR19)
- Film Studies (UCAS code: PR11)
- French (UCAS code: RR10)
- German (UCAS code: RR11)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: RR15)
- History (UCAS code: VR17)
- International Relations (UCAS code: LR14)
- Irish Studies (UCAS code: QR20)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: RR16)
- Law** (UCAS code: MR10)
- Music (UCAS code: WR10)
- Music Technology (UCAS code: WR11)
- Philosophy (UCAS code: VR18)
- Politics (UCAS code: LR15)
- Popular Music (UCAS code: WR12)
- Social Policy*** (UCAS code: LR12)
- Sociology (UCAS code: LR13)
*For any combinations involving Business or Economics, the weighting of the Business or Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
**50/50 programmes involving Law do not satisfy the academic requirements of becoming either a barrister or solicitor. You will graduate with a BA (Hons). It is also not possible to increase the Law component of a 50/50 programme at the end of your first or second year, due to the requirement to complete specific modules as part of an LLB.
***Social Policy can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
Classical Studies
Classical Studies and:
- Archaeology (UCAS code: Q8V4)
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: QR10)
- French (UCAS code: R1Q8)
- German (UCAS code: R2Q8)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: RQ38)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: R3Q8)
Classics and:
- Archaeology (UCAS code: Q4V)4
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: QR15)
- Egyptology (UCAS code: V4Q4)
- French (UCAS code: R1Q4)
- German (UCAS code: R2Q4)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: RQ44)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: R3Q4)
Communication and Media
- Business* (UCAS code: PN91)
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: PR10)
- English (UCAS code: QP39)
- English Language (UCAS code: QP93)
- English Literature (UCAS code: PQ93)
- Film Studies (UCAS code: PPP3)
- French (UCAS code: RP13)
- Game Design Studies (UCAS code: I619)
- German (UCAS code: R2P3)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: RP33)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: PR93)
- Politics (UCAS code: LP29)
- Popular Music (UCAS code: WN23)
*For any combination involving Business, the weighting of the Business component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
Criminology and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: LR10)
- French (UCAS code: R1L3)
- German (UCAS code: R2L3)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: LLL3)
- History (UCAS code: V1L3)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: R3L3)
- Law* (UCAS code: M1L3)
- Social Policy** (UCAS code: L4L3)
- Sociology (UCAS code: LM39)
*50/50 programmes involving Law do not satisfy the academic requirements of becoming either a barrister or solicitor. You will graduate with a BA (Hons). It is also not possible to increase the Law component of a 50/50 programme at the end of your first or second year, due to the requirement to complete specific modules as part of an LLB.
**Social Policy can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
Economics and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: LR11)
- French (UCAS code: R1L1)
- German (UCAS code: R2L1)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: RL11)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: R3L1)
- Politics (UCAS code: L2L1)
*For any combination involving Economics, the weighting of the Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
Egyptology and:
- Ancient History (UCAS code: V6V4)
- Archaeology (UCAS code: V4V6)
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: VR16)
- Classics (UCAS code: V4Q4)
- French (UCAS code: RV14)
- German (UCAS code: RV24)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: RV44)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: RV34)
English and:
- Business* (UCAS code: QN31)
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: QR16)
- Classical Studies (UCAS code: QQ38)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: QP39)
- Film Studies (UCAS code: P3Q3)
- French (UCAS code: QR31)
- German (UCAS code: QR32)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: QR34)
- History (UCAS code: QV31)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: R3Q3)
- Philosophy (UCAS code: QV35)
- Sociology (UCAS code: L3Q3)
*For any combinations involving Business or Economics, the weighting of the Business or Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
English Language
English Language and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: QR17)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: QP93)
- French (UCAS code: QR23)
- German (UCAS code: QR22)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: QR14)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: QR33)
English Literature
English Literature and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: QR19)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: PQ93)
- French (UCAS code: Q23R)
- German (UCAS code: Q32R)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: Q14R)
- History (UCAS code: Q33V)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: Q3R3)
- Philosophy (UCAS code: Q3V5)
Film Studies
Film Studies and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: PR11)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: PPP3)
- English (UCAS code: P3Q3)
- French (UCAS code: RP31)
- German (UCAS code: RL23)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: P3R4)/li>
- History (UCAS code: VP13)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: R3P3)
- Politics (UCAS code: L2P3)
French and:
- Ancient History (UCAS code: R1V6)
- Archaeology (UCAS code: R1V4)
- Business* (UCAS code: NR11)
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: RR10)
- Classical Studies (UCAS code: R1Q8)
- Classics (UCAS code: R1Q4)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: RP13)
- Criminology (UCAS code: R1L3)
- Economics* (UCAS code: R1L1)
- Egyptology (UCAS code: RV14)
- English (UCAS code: QR31)
- English Language (UCAS code: QR23)
- English Literature (UCAS code: Q23R)
- Film Studies (UCAS code: RP31)
- German (UCAS code: RR12)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: RR14)
- History (UCAS code: VR11)
- International Relations (UCAS code: LR21)
- Irish Studies (UCAS code: Q3R1)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: RRC3)
- Law** (UCAS code: M1R1)
- Music (UCAS code: W3R1)
- Music Technology (UCAS code: W31R)
- Philosophy (UCAS code: VR51)
- Politics (UCAS code: L2R1)
- Popular Music (UCAS code: WR31)
- Social Policy*** (UCAS code: L4R1)
- Sociology (UCAS code: L3R1)
*For any combination involving Business or Economics, the weighting of the Business or Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
**50/50 programmes involving Law do not satisfy the academic requirements of becoming either a barrister or solicitor. You will graduate with a BA (Hons). It is also not possible to increase the Law component of a 50/50 programme at the end of your first or second year, due to the requirement to complete specific modules as part of an LLB.
*** Social Policy can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
German and:
- Ancient History (UCAS code: R2V6)
- Archaeology (UCAS code: R2V4)
- Business* (UCAS code: NR12)
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: RR11)
- Classical Studies (UCAS code: R2Q8)
- Classics (UCAS code: R2Q4)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: R2P3)
- Criminology (UCAS code: R2L3)
- Economics* (UCAS code: R2L1)
- Egyptology (UCAS code: RV24)
- English (UCAS code: QR32)
- English Language (UCAS code: QR22)
- English Literature (UCAS code: Q32R)
- Film Studies (UCAS code: RL23)
- French (UCAS code: RR12)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: RR24)
- History (UCAS code: VR12)
- International Relations (UCAS code: LR22)
- Irish Studies (UCAS code: Q3R2)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: RR23)
- Law** (UCAS code: M1R2)
- Music (UCAS code: W3R2)
- Music Technology (UCAS code: W32R)
- Philosophy (UCAS code: VR52)
- Politics (UCAS code: L2R2)
- Popular Music (UCAS code: WR32)
- Social Policy*** (UCAS code: L4R2)
- Sociology (UCAS code: L3R2)
*For any combination involving Business or Economics, the weighting of the Business or Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
**50/50 programmes involving Law do not satisfy the academic requirements of becoming either a barrister or solicitor. You will graduate with a BA (Hons). It is also not possible to increase the Law component of a 50/50 programme at the end of your first or second year, due to the requirement to complete specific modules as part of an LLB.
*** Social Policy can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
Hispanic Studies
Hispanic Studies and:
- Ancient History (UCAS code: R4V6)
- Archaeology (UCAS code: R4V4)
- Business* (UCAS code: NR14)
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: RR15)
- Classical Studies (UCAS code: RQ38)
- Classics (UCAS code: RQ44)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: RP33)
- Criminology (UCAS code: LLL3)
- Economics* (UCAS code: RL11)
- Egyptology (UCAS code: RV44)
- English (UCAS code: QR34)
- English Language (UCAS code: QR34)
- English Literature (UCAS code: Q14R)
- Film Studies (UCAS code: P3R4)
- French (UCAS code: RR14)
- German (UCAS code: RR24)
- History (UCAS code: VR14)
- International Relations (UCAS code: LR42)
- Irish Studies (UCAS code: Q3R4)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: RR34)
- Law** (UCAS code: M1R4)
- Music (UCAS code: W3R4)
- Music Technology (UCAS code: WR45)
- Philosophy (UCAS code: VR54)
- Politics (UCAS code: LR24)
- Popular Music(UCAS code: Music WR34)
- Social Policy*** (UCAS code: L4R4)
- Sociology (UCAS code: L3R4)
*For any combination involving Business or Economics, the weighting of the Business or Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
**50/50 programmes involving Law do not satisfy the academic requirements of becoming either a barrister or solicitor. You will graduate with a BA (Hons). It is also not possible to increase the Law component of a 50/50 programme at the end of your first or second year, due to the requirement to complete specific modules as part of an LLB.
*** Social Policy can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
History and:
- Ancient History (UCAS code: V1V6)
- Archaeology (UCAS code: V1V4)
- English Literature (UCAS code: Q33V)
- Philosophy (UCAS code: V5V1)
- Politics (UCAS code: LV21)
*For any combination involving Economics, the weighting of the Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
International Relations
- Chinese Studies* (UCAS code: LR14)
- French (UCAS code: LR21)
- German (UCAS code: LR22)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: LR42)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: R3L2)
- Law** (UCAS code: M1L2)
*Chinese Studies can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
**For any combination involving Economics, the weighting of the Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
Irish Studies
Irish Studies and:
- Chinese Studies* (UCAS code: QR20)
- French (UCAS code: Q3R1)
- German (UCAS code: Q3R2)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: Q3R4)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: RQ33)
*Chinese Studies can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
Italian Studies
Italian Studies and:
- Ancient History (UCAS code: R3V6)
- Archaeology (UCAS code: R3V4)
- Business* (UCAS code: NR13)
- Chinese Studies* (UCAS code: RR16)
- Classical Studies (UCAS code: R3Q8)
- Classics (UCAS code: R3Q4)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: PR93)
- Criminology (UCAS code: R3L3)
- Economics* (UCAS code: R3L1)
- Egyptology (UCAS code: RV34)
- English (UCAS code: R3Q3)
- English Language (UCAS code: QR33)
- English Literature (UCAS code: Q3R3)
- Film Studies (UCAS code: R3P3)
- French (UCAS code: RRC3)
- German (UCAS code: RR23)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: RR34)
- History (UCAS code: VR13)
- International Relations (UCAS code: R3L2)
- Irish Studies (UCAS code: RQ33)
- Law*** (UCAS code: M1R3)
- Music (UCAS code: W3R3)
- Music Technology (UCAS code: W33R)
- Philosophy (UCAS code: VR53)
- Politics (UCAS code: L2R3)
- Popular Music (UCAS code: WR33)
- Social Policy**** (UCAS code: L4R3)
- Sociology (UCAS code: L3R3)
*For any combination involving Business or Economics, the weighting of the Business or Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
**Chinese Studies can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
***50/50 programmes involving Law will not receive Qualifying Law Degree accreditation. It is also not possible to increase the Law component of a 50/50 programme at the end of your first year, due to the requirement to complete specific modules as part of a Qualifying Law Degree.
****Social Policy can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
Law and:
- Business** (UCAS code: M1N1)
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: MR10<)/li>
- Criminology (UCAS code: M1L3)
- French (UCAS code: M1R1)
- German (UCAS code: M1R2)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: M1R4)
- International Relations (UCAS code: M1L2)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: M1R3)
*50/50 programmes involving Law do not satisfy the academic requirements of becoming either a barrister or solicitor. You will graduate with a BA (Hons). It is also not possible to increase the Law component of a 50/50 programme at the end of your first year, due to the requirement to complete specific modules as part of an LLB.
**For any combination involving Business or Economics, the weighting of the Business or Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
Music and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: WR10)
- French (UCAS code: W3R1)
- German (UCAS code: W3R2)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: W3R4)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: W3R3)
Music Technology
Music Technology and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: WR11)
- French (UCAS code: W31R)
- German (UCAS code: W32R)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: WR45)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: W33R)
Philosophy and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: VR18)
- English (UCAS code: QV35)
- English Literature (UCAS code: Q3V5)
- French (UCAS code: VR51)
- German (UCAS code: VR52)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: VR54)
- History (UCAS code: V5V1)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: VR53)
- Politics (UCAS code: LV25)
Politics and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: LR15)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: LP29)
- Economics* (UCAS code: L2L1)
- Film Studies (UCAS code: L2P3)
- French (UCAS code: L2R1)
- German (UCAS code: L2R2)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: LR24)
- History (UCAS code: LV21)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: L2R3)
- Philosophy (UCAS code: LV25)
- Sociology (UCAS code: LL32)
*For any combination involving Economics, the weighting of the Economics component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
Popular Music
Popular Music and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: WR12)
- Communication and Media (UCAS code: WN23)
- French (UCAS code: WR31)
- German (UCAS code: WR32)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: WR34)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: WR33)
Social Policy
Social Policy* and:
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: LR12)
- Criminology (UCAS code: L4L3)
- French (UCAS code: L4R1)
- German (UCAS code: L4R2)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: L4R4)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: L4R3)
- Sociology (UCAS code: LL34)
*Social Policy can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
Sociology and:
- Business* (UCAS code: L3N1)
- Chinese Studies (UCAS code: LR13)
- Criminology (UCAS code: LM39)
- English (UCAS code: L3Q3)
- French (UCAS code: L3R1)
- German (UCAS code: L3R2)
- Hispanic Studies (UCAS code: L3R4)
- History (UCAS code: L3V1)
- Italian Studies (UCAS code: L3R3)
- Politics (UCAS code: LL32)
- Social Policy** (UCAS code: LL34)
*For any combination involving Business, the weighting of the Business component cannot be increased at the end of year 1.
** Social Policy can currently only be studied at 50% or 25%.
Studying two subjects at University really helped me prepare for life in my professional career. Throughout my degree, having to balance the workload of two contrasting subjects was both enjoyable and challenging and helped develop my time management skills. In work, it is very rare that you’ll have just one project to focus on, so being able to plan and prioritise your time well is crucial if you want to succeed.