Introduction Trailer In this trailer we introduce The Academy’s podcast series. We outline the rationale for the podcast and some of the topics we will cover in our first season. Using Reflection Dr Ruth Pilkington discusses the importance of reflection on practice to support the enhancement of learning and teaching. Supporting Researchers Dr Katie Wheat informs us on the launch of the new Researcher Development Concordat and some of the new developments it includes. Creating Confidence We chat with three members of the 2019 cohort of Springboard about their experience of the content of the programme and the impact it has had on their lives. Supporting Study Emma Thompson takes us through how KnowHow has been developed to support the student experience at the University of Liverpool and complement students’ curricula. Inclusive Practice Dr Shelly Kemp discusses the potential diversity of student needs and the importance of inclusive practice. Personalised Learning Dr Joel Haddley describes how he worked with colleagues to develop materials for an online mathematics assessment platform to support student collaboration. Creating Communities We discuss with Cath McNamara, Student Experience Manager, how policy informs our operations at the University but also, importantly, how operations should inform our policy. Gaining Fellowship Dr Gita Sedghi talks about her ground breaking work concerning the introduction of a range of developments within the teaching of Chemistry. Teaching Recognition Judith Schoch from The Academy discusses the value of engaging with learning and teaching development opportunities. Female Leadership Special Edition: Holly Ridings, Chief Flight Director of NASA, shares the career path she has chosen including the challenges and opportunities she has encountered along the way.