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Paul Loughnane

Mr Paul Loughnane
BSc MPhil

Research Laboratory Supervisor, Biosciences Building, Labs G & H & Plant Facilities
SMIB Professional Services


+44 (0)151 795 4580

+44 (0)151 795 4585


I joined the Department of Genetics and Microbiology (DOGAM) in October 1994 as research/teaching technician supporting the Microbiology Research Group working on molecular microbial ecology projects. I became a Senior Technician in 2004 and in July 2017 became the Research Laboratory Supervisor for Labs G & H & Plant Facilities. Responsible for the technical team on the third floor of the Bioscences Building and Glass houses. This technical team (two core funded technicians and two research funded technicians) supports approximately 16 academics and their research teams. Presently in the Department of Functional and Comparative Genomics supporting the varied research projects in labs G & H

Lab G Plant & Fungal Sciences researching molecular processes and regulation of photosynthetic mechanisms, a program on engineering CAM photosynthesis into C3 plants and gene regulation using aspergillus as a model organism.

Lab H Microbiology-using functional genomics to understand pathogenic mechanisms of Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Shigella., E.coli serovar 0157 and host‐microbe symbioses. The detection of norovirus from estuarine sediments in areas used by the shellfish industry and the detection of Histoplasma in horses.

Prizes or Honours

  • British Empire Medal (BEM) (UK Honours, 2014)