Photo of Dr Gashirai Mbizvo

Dr Gashirai Mbizvo MBChB (Hons) MRes (Dis) MRCP PhD

NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer and Specialist Registrar in Neurology, Epilepsy Research Institute Emerging Leader Fellow Pharmacology & Therapeutics


➢ Royal College Advanced Certificate in Clinical Education 2019

➢ Teach the Teacher Course for Doctors 2019

➢ 2017 established a weekly registrar-lead neurology teaching program for fourth-year medical students at the Western General Hospital Edinburgh

➢ Member of the Teaching Faculty on the ALERT™ Course (Acute Life-threatening Events Recognition and Treatment) at University Hospital Aintree 2013-15.

➢ Problem Based Learning (PBL) facilitator for The University of Liverpool at University Hospital Aintree 2013