Photo of Dr Antonius Plagge

Dr Antonius Plagge Dr.

Lecturer Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology


Personal Statement

Hello, here are some keywords on my research interest. Please check the Research and Publications tabs for more detail:
genetics, epigenetics, imprinted genes - their regulation of expression and functions in the brain, genetically modified mouse models of human diseases, neurobiology, cell and developmental biology, neuroendocrinology. Also: stem cells and their labelling with reporter genes, imaging and tracking of labelled cells in mouse models using various pre-clinical imaging techniques.

My teaching areas on undergraduate and Masters levels (MRes & MSc) are: physiology, endocrinology, developmental biology, genetics, epigenetics, experimental design and data analysis, pre-clinical imaging techniques.

Brief CV:
Current Position: Principal Investigator and Lecturer; Department of Molecular Physiology and Cell Signalling; Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology; University of Liverpool.
Previous Postdoctoral Research Positions at the Max-Planck-Institute for Developmental Biology, Tubingen (Germany), and The Babraham Institute, Cambridge (UK);
PhD (Dr. rer. nat.): Max-Planck-Institute for Developmental Biology / University of Tubingen (Germany);