You do not need to answer yes to all of them, but should only answer yes to each section if you agree to all the statements in that section.
Your answers will determine how we handle your sample and data.
I agree to take part in the P4-LHC study
- I have read the information provided (Version 1 dated N/N/24) and I have a copy
- I know how to contact the research team if I have any questions
- I understand my participation is voluntary and I am free to withdraw from the study at any time, without giving a reason, without any impact on my medical care or legal rights.
I give permission for information to be taken from my medical records for confidential use in the P4-LHC study
- I understand that my information will be kept confidential and stored securely by the University of Liverpool
- I agree that the information gathered about me can be collected and stored for future medical research
- I understand that this information will only be passed to researchers in a confidential way that protects my identity.
I agree to give a urine sample for this study
- I understand how this will be collected for research purposes
- I agree to the secure storage of my urine by the Liverpool University Biobank
- I agree that left over urine samples will be stored in the Liverpool University Biobank for future ethically-approved research projects.
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