Rhianna Hill is a second year PhD student in Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine. She recently attended the Cancer Research UK PhD/Postdoc Symposium at the Francis Crick Institute in London and told us all about her research and the trip.
My research
After completing my master’s degree at the University of Liverpool, I began my PhD in Cancer Biology under the supervision of Professor Jason Parsons and Professor Sonia Rocha. My project investigates the impact of hypoxia on the radiosensitivity of head and neck cancer. Cases of head and neck cancer are disproportionally high in the North-West of England, so it is vital that treatments are as effective as possible to save lives. One of the major treatment options for head and neck cancer involves the use of radiotherapy. However, radiotherapy success is limited by the presence of hypoxic (low oxygen) areas in most solid tumours. My research aims to investigate the molecular mechanisms that contribute to hypoxic radioresistance, with the goal of overcoming it so radiotherapy treatments can be as effective as possible.
CRUK RadNet PhD/Postdoc Symposium
I recently attended the CRUK RadNet PhD/Postdoc Symposium in London. This event brought together early career researchers in the field of radiotherapy and cancer. I was lucky enough to be selected to present a poster on my research, which allowed invaluable engagement and discussions with other researchers in the field. It was also great to listen to talks from a variety of researchers from many different institutions about the research that is ongoing in my field of interest. I look forward to attending this event again and many more in the near future.
I am very thankful to ISMIB for the PGR travel award, that covered my travel and accommodation costs, allowing me to attend this important event. I would also like to thank my primary supervisor Professor. Jason Parsons for his continued support and guidance and my secondary supervisor Professor. Sonia Rocha for her advice on the project.