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About us

Using cutting-edge multi-omics technologies, our research and teaching aims to answer important biological and biomedical questions about health and disease. We're interested in how molecules work when integrated into tissues and organisms in healthy individuals, compared with those experiencing health conditions, to discover new therapeutics and improve current treatments.

Professor Tony Marson

Our vision is to have a radical impact on health, wellbeing and sustainability, tackling problems of high burden faced by our local and global populations. By applying cutting-edge technologies, we can transform our understanding of the mechanisms of disease and response to treatment. We will develop and test new treatments and interventions that are more effective and safer.

Professor Tony Marson, Executive Dean of the Institute

Our Departments

Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology

Bringing together biochemistry, cutting-edge technology and multi-omics approaches to study the chemistry of life. From proteins to complex biological systems, we provide vital links between both basic and translational research.

Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine

Bridging discovery science with therapeutic applications in cancer patients. Our mission is to optimise effective collaborations between scientists and clinicians to find better ways to detect and treat cancer.

Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Our internationally excellent, multidisciplinary research spans life, physical and clinical sciences focused on investigating mechanisms of drug efficacy and toxicity. Our aim is to develop new and improve existing therapies for the benefit of patients.

School of Biosciences

Our students are introduced to advanced technologies through our internationally recognised research centres in infection, cancer, and multi-omics. We cover all life science disciplines, from biochemistry to zoology, integrating world-leading research and knowledge.

Vision, mission and aims

  • Educate and prepare the next generation of the workforce in biomedical and life sciences
  • Translate our lab discoveries into real benefits for patients, the public and health systems
  • Understand, detect and develop better therapeutic approaches for human diseases
  • Develop world-leading, multi-omic integration across life sciences
  • Advance biological knowledge across all scales of life
  • Be transparent and open, creating an environment and culture where everyone feels part of the same team.

Our leadership team

Accreditations and partnerships

Athena Swan gold logo

Athena SWAN Gold Award

We're proud to hold the Athena SWAN Gold Award, recognising our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Technician Commitment Logo

The Technician Commitment

We're fully engaged in The Technician Commitment, a pledge to support technical staff working in research.

Liverpool Shared Research Facilities

Liverpool Shared Research Facilities (LIV-SRF) has a clear and defined role: to ensure that all members of our Faculty have access to the equipment and expertise to pursue outstanding science. We have established a group of Shared Research Facilities (SRFs) that contain the necessary resources to turn good ideas into groundbreaking research.