Our governance structures are key for the delivery of our Sustainability Strategy.
To ensure delivery of our sustainability strategy, we have established several groups and councils to monitor our progress and execute our strategy.
The University Council
In partnership with Liverpool Guild of Students, have overarching responsibility for ensuring that we meet our UN SDG Accord goals. This includes reporting to the United Nations each year on how we have contributed to the individual SDGs.
The Senior Leadership Team
This group has overarching responsibility for our Sustainability Policy and receives quarterly updates from the Sustainability Board. Leadership for sustainable development is critical. It enables us to integrate a range of related issues into education, research and business activities.
The Sustainability Board
Has strategic oversight of the Strategy, Annual Sustainability Report and Environmental Management System. Chaired by Nicola Davies, Chief Financial Officer and SLT Lead for Sustainability, it brings together the work from the individual Advisory Groups into a holistic framework. This Sustainability Board is driven by Advisory Groups that are aligned to the UN SDGs, which have been created to develop specific projects or programmes which support the Board.
The Advisory Groups are groups of academics, students, and staff dedicated to tackling sustainability issues aligned to the UN SDGs. Each group is responsible for delivering core objectives and initiatives that support key ambitions of the Sustainability Policy, Strategy, and the Environmental Management System.
Student voice
There is student representation on university committees concerned with estates, planning, finance and strategic decision making. The Guild of Students work closely with the University Council, and attend Sustainability Board and Advisory Group meetings to ensuring that the University’s SDG Accord commitments are being met.
For details on contacts and how to get in touch, please visit our Contacts page.
Our commitment to SDG Goal 16
"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels"