Visit the Farmers’ Market in University Square today

Ness stall

The Farmers’ Market will be in University Square on Thursday 13 June from 9am until 2.30pm.

It will host number of stalls which will include a range of locally-produced food including fresh fruit and vegetables, cheeses, meats and baked goods as well as sustainable catering stalls where people can try a range of fresh food from around the world.

The market is a step towards supporting local businesses, helping to reduce food miles, and providing a range of sustainable goods for the people on campus.

Ness Gardens stall

Ness Gardens will also be in University Square planting hanging baskets for anyone who brings an empty basket along. The cost per basket will be between £10 and £16 depending on size. You can drop the basket in the morning and pick it up at lunchtime.

ness stall