Student Energy-Savers Win National Competition

Students living at the Melville Grove halls of residence have won the 2012-13 Student Switch Off energy-saving competition which is run by the National Union of Students.

All University residences took part in the campaign with Melville Grove winning a party which was held at the Guild.

Stephanie Lynch, Environmental Coordinator at the Liverpool Guild of Students, said: "Over this academic year energy usage in the hall reduced by 6.3% compared to the average usage over the last few years. On average, each student in Melville reduced their energy consumption by 1kWh unit per day, roughly enough to power a laptop for 24 hours!"

"Together they have saved the amount of carbon it would take to fly from Manchester to London AND back 240 times! It just goes to show that small actions can make a real difference in the fight against climate change."


There are more than 677 student Eco-Power Rangers across all the residences who have been switching off lights and appliances when not in use, putting lids on pans when cooking and not overfilling their kettles. All the individual actions add up and go a long way to helping students reduce energy bills if and when they move into their own houses.

For further information on the initiative, contact Stephanie Lynch on