Ministry of Education approves XJTLU postgraduate programmes

[caption id="attachment_16811" align="alignnone" width="430"]Professor Youmin Xi Professor Youmin Xi[/caption]

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) will deliver postgraduate programmes at masters and PhD level in collaboration with the University of Liverpool, following approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) of China.

XJTLU will approve plans to launch six postgraduate programmes in September 2012. The University will deliver the course curriculum and Liverpool will accredit the degrees.

The postgraduate programmes are: MSc Applied Informatics; MSc Finance; MSc Financial Mathematics; MSc Multimedia Telecommunications; MSc Sustainable Energy Technology; and MA TESOL.

Executive President of XJTLU, Professor Youmin Xi, said: "The opening of postgraduate programmes in collaboration with the University of Liverpool enables us to develop programmes from undergraduate to doctoral levels. This will lay a foundation for us to acquire the degree awarding power for our own master’s and doctoral degrees."

The MoE has also approved XJTLU’s doctoral programmes in all disciplines, which is delivered through a double supervision system between the University and Liverpool. Students obtain a relevant doctoral degree from the University of Liverpool upon completion of their course.