Herb gardens available at June’s Farmers’ Market

[caption id="attachment_11078" align="aligncenter" width="448" caption="Ness Gardens herb stall at the farmers' market"]Ness Gardens Herb stall[/caption]

At this week’s Farmers’ Market staff will once again have the opportunity to revitalise redundant waste bins that were removed from offices as part of the ‘Bin the Bin scheme.

The Farmers’ Market will be open on Thursday 9 June at University Square between 9am-2.30pm.

The Ness Gardens stall will once again repeat the herb garden initiative where for a voluntary contribution of £3 and a valid ID card staff can purchase a container with a selection of herbs provided by Ness Gardens.

At the last market more than 100 members of staff visiting the Ness Gardens stand took advantage.

Clare Scott, Sustainability Officer in Facilities Management, said: "Staff were queuing from 8.30am and the bins brought over from Ness Gardens had run out by 10.30am. We would to thank staff for their contributions, totalling more than £300, which will be used to support a local community project.

"At Thursday’s market the event will be repeated with an extra 150 bins, however it should be noted that demand is high so it will again run on a first-come-first-served basis. Again we will require staff ID cards and a minimum donation of £3."

For staff at Leahurst, there will be an additional bins 50 which will be available on a first-come-first-served basis and will be available for collection in the coming weeks. If you are interested in getting a container from Leahurst contact Iain Cowan.

Along with the Ness Gardens stall there will also be a range of locally-produced food including fresh fruit and vegetables, cheeses, meats and baked goods – all grown, reared and cultivated by the stall owners themselves.
