What items can be listed on Warp It?
It’s possible to list just about any asset that can be legally transferred on Warp It, including furniture, equipment, stationary, consumables and laboratory equipment.
To comply with University requirements, please ensure the following criteria are met before listing:
- The item is not an IT issued asset
IT issued assets
It is essential that all IT assets issued by IT Services within the last 4 years are returned to IT Services at end-of-life or when no longer required. IT Services will then reissue these assets internally. Visit IT Services or contact servicedesk@liverpool.ac.uk for more information.
- The item is not a data holding device
Data holding devices not issued by IT Services
As a large, research-intensive University, IT and data holding devices may also be procured outside of IT Services, such as through research projects or temporary contracts. Additionally, laboratory and specialist equipment may be connected to such devices in order to function.
It is essential that all data holding devices that have not been issued by IT Services, are sent to partner organisation, Restore, for secure data destruction followed by resale, donation or recycling. This includes all devices capable of generating, holding or storing University data, such as phones, tablets, computers, laptops, and equipment, as well as those running University software or licenses and/or connected to University networks.
Visit IT Services or contact servicedesk@liverpool.ac.uk for more information.
- The item does not contain confidential information
Confidential waste (Paper, CDs, Magnetic Tape, X-rays, Video Tapes, ID Cards)
It is essential that all confidential documents and media are processed securely, according to the University's policies on information management, information security and data protection.
Confidential documents should not be placed in standard paper recycling bins.
Unless securely shredded onsite using a cross-cut shredder and placed in general waste, all confidential documents must be placed in the dedicated confidential waste consoles available across campus. Where unavailable, a collection may be arranged by contacting the Information & Record Management Team.
Visit Information & Record Management or contact recman@liverpool.ac.uk for more information.
- The item is not (nor is contaminated with) a hazardous substance
Hazardous substances and contaminated assets
It is essential that all hazardous substances and contaminated assets are managed and processed in accordance with the Codes of Practice developed and maintained by the Safety Advisor's Office.
An asset may be contaminated if it has come into contact with hazardous substances, such as biological agents, hazardous solids, liquids or gases, radioisotopes, fuel(s) and asbestos.
It is also essential that these items are not co-mingled with uncontaminated waste or reuse streams.
Visit the Health and Safety Intranet or contact the Safety Advisor's Office on 0151 794 3244 for more information.
- You have the necessary permissions and authorisation to list the item
Assets with a value > £25,000
It is essential that the Statistical Returns and Capital Equipment Accounting (FEC) Team are contacted prior to the transfer or disposal of capital equipment (i.e assets with a value greater than £25,000), as you may need to complete an Asset Disposal Form or Asset Transfer Sheet.
Visit Finance or contact fecman@liverpool.ac.uk for more information.
All unwanted University assets in a useable condition and that meet the above criteria will need to be listed on Warp It, ideally for a minimum of 4 weeks, prior to a waste removal request being submitted via PlanOn. Staff will be asked to share the Warp It reference when logging a request.