We are pleased to announce, the Queen of Greens bus is now making weekly stops right here on the University of Liverpool campus!
Run by Feeding Liverpool and Alchemic Kitchen, the Queen of Greens Bus is a mobile greengrocer that brings affordable fresh fruit and vegetables to communities across Liverpool. The buses are operated on a day-to-day basis by greengrocer Paul Flannery, who visits Liverpool’s wholesale fruit and Veg market each morning, as well as working directly with local farmers when their produce is in season.
The Queen of Greens has been a huge success since its launch in late 2022, aiming to boost access to healthy food and help tackle health inequalities. Only about half of adults in the city eat the recommended five-a-day of fruit and vegetables. For 11-18 year olds, that figure drops to just 12%. The buses have a fixed weekly schedule and stops, with a particular emphasis on community and family centres in the areas where fresh produce cannot be accessed within a kilometre walk. Initially visiting 29 stops each week, the bus provides people with a better opportunity to shop for nutritious food closer to their home or workplace. This has now been increased to 40 stops, including the University of Liverpool.
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Globally, 25–30% of total food produced is lost or wasted, and food waste is estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to contribute 8-10% of total man-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Buying loose fruit and vegetables can reduce some of this food waste. WRAP research has shown that if all apples, bananas and potatoes were sold loose, we could save 60,000 tonnes of food waste by enabling people to buy closer to their needs.
The bus will be located outside of the Sydney Jones Library every Wednesday, between 11:30 -12:30. Come along and grab some fresh, nutritious produce, and remember to bring along your reusable bag or container.