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University achieves Sustainability Strategy target

Posted on: 29 November 2022 in Issue 4

The University has achieved a key target from its Sustainability Strategy, ensuring that all students have access to learning opportunities that equip them with the knowledge, skills and experience essential to make their contribution to a sustainable future.

In February 2021, the University set the challenging target of ensuring that every student has the opportunity to undertake a sustainability-related module, extra-curricular activity, or other relevant learning by 2022. This target has now been achieved as a result of a collaborative project between Careers and Employability, the Centre for Innovation in Education, and the Education for Sustainable Development working group.

Student Sustainability Hub

The Student Sustainability Hub is now a central resource for all students interested in sustainability. The hub is accessed via Canvas, and students are automatically enrolled onto the Sustainability in Action module, and can access:

  • The Student Sustainability Network
  • The online short course introducing students to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This course can be taken informally by students or they can complete short assignments and receive HEAR accreditation
  • External sustainability courses – including LinkedIn Learning
  • Campus and volunteering activities organised by the Guild
  • Practical resources e.g. recycling advice and guidance
  • Forthcoming events and other activities

The Hub forms a central component of our ESD strategy in support of the Global Citizenship student attribute in the Liverpool Curriculum Framework, and Advance HE/ QAA sector drivers for education for sustainable development.

Student engagement

Since the launch of the Hub, a number of students have engaged with the variety of content on offer. One student told us: “I like the emphasis about UN’s SDG. I have read about the goals previously, but this subject gave me more information and exposure to the sustainable goals.”

While another student explained what they enjoyed about the Sustainability in Action module: “I really liked the fun research tasks which were genuinely interesting, especially learning how businesses are being sustainable.”

Find out more

For further information about the Student Sustainability Hub please contact the Centre for Innovation in Education by emailing: or the Sustainability team: