Join the debate about Arts, Sustainability and the Climate Crisis by coming along to the School of the Arts public lecture series.
4 May: Sustainable Art for a Changing Climate
Discover some of the surprising ways in which the literature and the visual arts respond to the challenges of environmental crises with Dr Sam Solnick (Department of English, University of Liverpool), Dr Vid Simoniti (Department of Philosophy, University of Liverpool), and Mariama Attah (Open Eye Gallery).
18 May: Stories from Bangladesh and India
Stories telling how people's lives in informal settlements in Bangladesh and India are affected by the pandemic and climate emergency with Dr Junjie Xi (Liverpool School of Architecture, University of Liverpool), Professor Shahaduz Zaman (Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex) and Dr Priti Parikh (The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction Faculty of the Built Environment, UCL).
25 May: A Lens on the Weather
Explore how weather changes and extreme weather events are seen, felt and experienced by people through photographic history with Professor Georgina Endfield (Professor of Environmental History, University of Liverpool) and Professor Michelle Henning (Chair in Photography and Media, University of Liverpool).