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Geography student studying with microscope

Geography courses

Be inspired by our Geography programmes.

100% of BSC Geography students agree the course has provided them with opportunities to bring information and ideas together from different topics (NSS, 2021)

Oldest and one of the best-known Spatial Planning (also known as Civic Design) schools in the world

1886 One of the longest established Geography University departments in the world

Being original

We are the original redbrick. Find out what being original means to our students and what it could mean for you.

I picked Geography because of the breadth of the subject. It's one of the few subjects where you can develop an understanding of contemporary social science alongside cutting-edge natural science.

Dan Wilberforce, Geography BSc

Meet us


We are never say die, and always ready to give things a go. Wholehearted and determined to find our own way forward– no matter where we started from. Study with us, and shine in your own way.

Explore the Department of Geography and Planning through our virtual tour