Progress to Postgraduate

A postgraduate qualification from Liverpool can get you to where you want to be. Whether that’s becoming more employable, switching direction or specialising in the subject you're passionate about. 

Whether you’re already considering master’s study or haven’t thought about your next steps yet, read on to explore your options. 


Apply online

Apply for a master's programme online today using our simplified application process.

Awards and bursaries A student looking into a purse for a cash card to put into a cash machine

Awards and scholarships

As a current University of Liverpool student you may be eligible for the University of Liverpool Graduate Loyalty Advancement Scholarship, the Postgraduate Opportunity Bursary or the ULMS Progress to Postgraduate Award.

Admissions Drop-ins

Admissions drop-in sessions

Drop in to chat to our teams at the University of Liverpool Career Studio about your move to master's study