Hair cortisol triggers and moderators and its impact on hair and skin structure and function


Cortisol secretion during stress is a vital area of research in psychoneuroendocrinology1. While acute cortisol reactivity is a critical adaptive response, long-term secretion changes, as is the case in chronic stress, can increase risk of adverse health outcomes. To investigate long-term changes in cortisol activity, hair cortisol concentration (HCC) analysis is gaining interest as a non-invasive sample material that has been shown to reflect culminative cortisol concentrations over a period of several months2–5. Initial meta-analyses have confirmed HCC as a reliable biomarker of stress, analogous in measurement sensitivity to blood, saliva, and urine cortisol assays4,6–10, and with the advantage of offering a retrospective, long-term timeline of an individual's stress history 2–5,10,11 (See Figure 1).

Psychological stress is widely associated with the onset, exacerbation, and reoccurrence of many skin conditions12,13 and hair health problems4,14,15. However, central questions remain regarding the long-term manifestations of different psycho-somatic stressors in neuroendocrine-immune pathways. Further, it is not known what influence chronic cortisol dysregulation has on hair and skin health, appearance, and functioning, and whether this relationship is mediated by psychological wellbeing. Preliminary evidence suggests a bi-directional interaction between HCC and sleep disorders16,17, anxiety10, PTSD10 and depressive symptoms17, but the link to wellbeing is yet to be elucidated.

This project aims to pioneer innovative research quantifying the interplay of cortisol regulation, psychosocial stress, and hair and skin health. It will explore the relationships between HCC and other measurable wellbeing biomarkers, oxidative stress markers and markers of skin function, such as sebum and hydration. It will also seek to establish the impact of chronic stress on HCC mechanisms across different body sites, increasing understanding of the “peripheral” HPA axis in skin and hair follicles.


The primary objectives are:

  1. To characterise the role of cortisol regulation in the bi-directional relationship between skin/hair function and stress/wellbeing.
  2. To investigate the correlation between biomarkers in the hair & skin, and its appearance / function.
  3. To explore the modulating influence of external factors (e.g., lifestyle, demographics, and environmental conditions) on hair & skin biomarkers.

The primary methodologies will be:

  1. Neurobiological measures of stress biomarkers from skin and hair e.g., LC/MS18 for HCC
  2. Biological measures on skin and hair appearance and function, e.g. TEWL probe & sebumeter
  3. Psychological measures: self-report and stylist evaluations of perceived skin/hair appearance & function, stress, mood, and wellbeing using questionnaires, ecological momentary assessments, and longitudinal diary recordings.

This project will be based in the Department of Psychology at the University of Liverpool. To apply for the position, please email Carl Roberts attaching a covering letter, CV and details of 2 referees


Open to UK applicants

Funding information

Funded studentship

This project is funded for four years by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council UKRI-BBSRC and our industry partner Unilever Ltd. UKRI-BBSRC eligibility criteria apply (View Website). Successful students will receive a stipend of no less than the standard UKRI stipend rate, currently set at £17,668 per year, which will be supplemented by the industrial partner with additional £4,400 per year.



Mummert, D. I., Jones, H. & Mummert, M. E. Psychological stress and the cutaneous immune response: roles of the HPA axis and the sympathetic nervous system in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Dermatol Res Pract 2012, (2012).
2. Greff, M. J. E. et al. Hair cortisol analysis: An update on methodological considerations and clinical applications. Clin Biochem 63, 1–9 (2019).
3. Russell, E., Koren, G., Rieder, M. & Van Uum, S. Hair cortisol as a biological marker of chronic stress: current status, future directions and unanswered questions. Psychoneuroendocrinology 37, 589–601 (2012).
4. Staufenbiel, S. M., Penninx, B. W. J. H., Spijker, A. T., Elzinga, B. M. & van Rossum, E. F. C. Hair cortisol, stress exposure, and mental health in humans: a systematic review. Psychoneuroendocrinology 38, 1220–1235 (2013).
5. Staufenbiel, S. M., Penninx, B. W. J. H., de Rijke, Y. B., van den Akker, E. L. T. & van Rossum, E. F. C. Determinants of hair cortisol and hair cortisone concentrations in adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology 60, 182–194 (2015).
6. Levine, A., Zagoory-Sharon, O., Feldman, R., Lewis, J. G. & Weller, A. Measuring cortisol in human psychobiological studies. Physiol Behav 90, 43–53 (2007).
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8. Hellhammer, D. H., Wüst, S. & Kudielka, B. M. Salivary cortisol as a biomarker in stress research. Psychoneuroendocrinology 34, 163–171 (2009).
9. Bozovic, D., Racic, M. & Ivkovic, N. Salivary cortisol levels as a biological marker of stress reaction. Med Arch 67, 374–377 (2013).