Instrumentation studies for AWAKE Run 2c


AWAKE is the world’s first proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration experiment. It utilizes 400 GeV proton bunches from the CERN SPS to drive plasma wakefields with an amplitude of ~ GV/m (which are orders of magnitude higher than conventional accelerators), which then accelerate externally injected 10-20 MeV electrons up to several GeVs in a 10 m long plasma.

The current AWAKE scientific program, called Run 2b, has produced several high impact results in recent years, including successful acceleration of the electron beam up to 2 GeV in a single stage of acceleration, demonstrated stable and reproducible seeded self-modulation (SSM) for a long proton bunch, and demonstrated the application of scalable plasma sources.

Run 2c has now been confirmed, which will use a second plasma channel and electron source to reach higher energies whilst maintaining and monitoring the beam quality for applications. This work will pave the way for this novel acceleration technology to drive compact machines towards the energy frontier.

Technical summary

To produce a high-quality electron beam for future applications, AWAKE requires novel instrumentation to measure and monitor the three beams, (proton, electron, and laser) throughout the acceleration process. This project includes R&D into optical monitors for measuring the longitudinal pulse profile with fs resolution, the simultaneous measurement of the proton and electron beam profile using digital micro mirrors and micro lens arrays for imaging purposes, and applying optical fiber-based beam loss monitors developed in the QUASAR Group for experiment optimization.

The R&D will include proof-of-principle studies in the Cockcroft Institute’s DITAlab and optical laboratories using different light sources to emulate beam behaviour, before contributing to measurements at CERN, using and continuously optimizing beam monitors developed by the QUASAR Group.

The student will be co-supervised by experienced scientists from the University of Manchester and University of Liverpool, where they will be registered for their PhD, and the AWAKE team at CERN.

The student will get an opportunity to spend significant time at CERN, helping to design, install, and commission instrumentation which will be key to achieve the scientific goals of Run 2c. They will take a leading role in understanding the plasma/electron beam interaction, developing novel instrumentation that will fully characterize the AWAKE beams.

What will the PhD student do?

• Carrying out R&D into beam diagnostics for the AWAKE experiment, including longitudinal and transverse profile monitors, emittance monitors and using oBLM for experiment optimization;

• Assist in data taking, analysing experimental data, and benchmarking analytical models with simulation results, to further optimize the experiment setup

• Make a significant contribution to the success of Run 2c

• Disseminate research in journal articles

• Present at AWAKE Collaboration meetings, international conferences and workshops.

To apply for this position please visit the University of Liverpool PhD programme application page here.