Bioprospecting skin microbiota to target canine dermatitis


Project Description

Skin infections, often due to underlying allergic skin disease, are among the most common diseases seen in small-animal veterinary practice. Skin infections are a major cause of morbidity and reduced welfare in dogs, necessitate repeat vet-visits, and are costly and frustrating for owners. Overuse and misuse of antimicrobials to treat skin infections must be avoided to reduce selection of yet greater problems of antimicrobial resistance. We aim to exploit an emerging area of microbiome (protective skin microorganisms) research to identify and develop novel therapeutic approaches to reduce/inhibit skin infections that can be translated from the laboratory into the clinic.

The successful candidate will work within/alongside an experienced laboratory/team. The candidate will increase their knowledge in the field, and will train in microbiology, functional genomics and bioinformatics, and disseminate the information through publications, talks and training of future students.

Qualifications and Experience

You should have or expect to hold a BSc and preferably a Masters degree in a relevant area of biology

and experience in microbiology and bioinformatics is desirable. Full training will be provided, and the University has many courses to support your personal and professional development. 

To apply please send CV and cover letter to Vanessa Schmidt (

For application enquires please contact Vanessa Schmidt (


Open to UK applicants

Funding information

Funded studentship

Include stipend rate (RCUK Rate) and how long the studentship will be funded. Indicate at what rate the tuition fees will be covered 

Stipend, £19,181, per year, for three years.

Tuition fees paid at BBSRC rates for three years.

Please state if applications can only be from Home/EU applicants

Home students only.
