Postgraduate Society win at Guild Awards

The University of Liverpool Postgraduate Society has won the award for the ‘Biggest Impact on the University’ at the Guild Awards 2020.
The event which was held virtually over Instagram and Twitter, announced the Postgraduate Society this year’s winners for their contribution to ‘making the campus an exciting and welcoming place to be for University of Liverpool postgraduate students’.
The Postgraduate Society offers all postgraduate students the opportunity to meet up with other postgrads from across the university and take a break from their studies, through a range of events such as board game nights, film showings and trips. A particular highlight of the Society is their free monthly coffee mornings, held on the first Tuesday of every month, where students can meet over coffee, tea and snacks.
Despite only being set up for a year, they've already seen a great deal of success! With over 120 members, a consistent, high turnout at their regular events, and now a Guild Award for 'Biggest Impact on the University', the Society is already off to a fantastic start and hopes to continue to have a big influence on the lives of University of Liverpool postgraduate students.
You can keep up to date with the Postgraduate Society via:
Twitter - @postgraduol
Instagram - @postgrad_uol
Facebook – uolpostgrad