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Rushworth Scholarship in Music

In 2019, a generous donation was endowed by Dr Jonathan Rushworth to the University of Liverpool for the provision of a Rushworth Scholarship in Music (MA Music Management).

As a graduate of the University of Liverpool, Dr Rushworth (LLB Hons 1970, Hon LLD 2018) is a member of the Rushworth family who founded the famous Liverpool music business of the same name, which was formerly located in Whitechapel in the city centre.

He trained as a solicitor in Liverpool and his legal career was at the City of London law firm of Slaughter and May, where he was a partner for 26 years. Dr Rushworth has funded various projects at the University, in particular he commissioned a PhD entitled, 'The history of the Rushworth music business, 1828-2002, and its contribution to the cultural life of the city of Liverpool', undertaken by student Nicholas Wong, in addition to postgraduate music scholarships and a project to catalogue the Rushworth family archive.

Each academic year, the gift will fund up to two scholarships of £3,000 for a Home/UK student progressing onto the MA Music Management programme. The Rushworth Scholarship takes the form of a £3,000 overall fee reduction for each successful candidate.


  • Applicants must be Home/UK students and able to demonstrate this.
  • The eligibility of applicants will be considered as part of the standard application procedure for the MA Music Management. There is no separate application process.
  • Applicants should use the standard MA application form to identify ways in which they expect the course to allow them to fulfil their educational and music professional ambitions.
  • The successful candidate will keep the University regularly updated on their progress and achievements.
  • The successful candidate will be required to assist in the promotion of the Scholarship and the MA Music Management programme as appropriate and when requested to do so.
  • The Scholarship of £3,000 will be used to contribute towards the successful candidate’s fees at the home student rate.
  • The Scholarship will be paid as a fee waiver at the start of the academic year. The Scholarship is conditional on successful academic progress and demonstration of professional behaviour. The panel reserves the right to withdraw or suspend the Scholarship if there are any reasons for concern.
  • Applicants are required to apply for the MA Music Management programme by 31 July 2024 The successful candidate will be informed by 31 August 2024 or soon thereafter.

How to apply

All Home/UK applicants who apply to our MA Music Management will be considered for this award.

More information

For more information about the scheme or an informal discussion about the programme, please contact Professor Lisa Colton.

Details about the MA Music Management programme can be found here. For information about the Department of Music, please visit:

For information about postgraduate study at the University of Liverpool, please visit: