- Our team of Wellbeing Advisors are here to provide additional support or someone to talk to if you need it. Get in touch by emailing advice@liverpool.ac.uk.
- Students may also find our year-round wellbeing resources and self-help information useful to read.
- Liverpool Guild of Students offer free and confidential advice to all University of Liverpool students. You can contact their Advice team via email guildadvice@liverpool.ac.uk to arrange a phone call or appointment.
- Peer-to-peer support can be accessed via our student societies or student communities, many of which are based around nationality and culture.
- If you require support for your studies, you can contact your School Office.
- Our International Advice and Guidance team are available to help our international student community with any practical or financial advice needed such as immigration advice or access to the University Hardship Fund.
- If you are a UK student and need financial advice including accessing our University Hardship Fund, please contact our Money Advice and Guidance Team.
For further information, please visit our Support in Global Crises webpage.
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