If you identify as an estranged student, you can contact the Wellbeing Team at advice@liverpool.ac.uk who are there to support you with any concerns or queries that you may have.
The University of Liverpool offers a bursary of £1,000 per year to students who are identified as estranged by Student Finance England (Wales, Northern Ireland). To apply for this bursary, you will need to contact Martina, who will establish eligibility with your funding body. This bursary is for UK undergraduate students applying for the bursary in their year of entry.
Financial support to help with accommodation guarantor scheme fee
Funding is available through the University Hardship Fund to help students who are care experienced or estranged in cases where they are unable to provide a guarantor for their accommodation provider. If you do need to use a Rent Guarantor Service to secure your property, you should initially speak to your University contact within Advice and Guidance: advice@liverpool.ac.uk . You can then apply to the University Hardship Fund: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/studentsupport/money-advice/university-hardship-fund/