A series of weekly, fun, relaxation activities for you to join

You can find below our calendar of events for the month. We will be updating this page regularly and include activities you can take part in. These are informal, relaxed sessions run by the Wellbeing Team. Due to staff shortage, we had to cancel a few Monday sessions.



Wellbeing Activity When Where
Boardgames (eg. Carcasson, Ticket to Ride, Splendor) Tuesday 3rd December 1:00 - 4:00

Alsop Building reception

Christmas tree decorations Wednesday 4th December 3:30 - 4:30

502 Building, room TR5

Painting candles Wednesday 11th December 3:30 - 4:30 

126 Mount Pleasant, room 115


Feeling nervous?

If you're feeling nervous about attending, please let us know by emailing advice@liverpool.ac.uk and we would be happy to meet you outside.

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