
Most people view conflict as negative, but conflict is natural and normal. Whenever there is a difference between people, conflict is present, but often we don’t notice it until the experience is too difficult to manage.

Conflict can occur if there is a difference in our personalities, a difference in our expectations, how we cope with change and how we choose to communicate those differences. Conflict, stress and spending more time together can cause arguments. Arguments can be small or big – and some can be very serious. If you feel yourself getting irritated or annoyed with your family, friends or course/housemates don't be too hard on yourself. This is a challenging time for lots of people and there are things you can do to help. If you’re experiencing conflict consider what positive steps you could take to bridge the gap between you and the other person so that each of you has your needs met and you can maintain your relationships. 

So how do you have that difficult conversation?

The video below from SoulPancake gives some tips for handling conflict.

It is also worth thinking about the different ways or ‘styles’ that people have when facing conflict. This will help you understand yourself and the person you want to communicate with.

The video below from Off the Record introduces you to five different conflict styles.

Even when conflict is difficult, it is possible to work through it positively. Here are two links with practical ideas about how to resolve a conflict from the Student Minds website:

How can we help?

Remember that Student Services offers a range of support that includes wellbeing advisors, psychological therapists, and the Mental Health Advisory Service. To access any of these services contact the Student Advice and Guidance team. This is the entry point to speak to the wellbeing advisors, counsellors, and the Mental Health Advisory Service and all our services are confidential. You can email the team at, or call 0151 795 1000 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday.

If you are concerned that you cannot keep yourself safe then please do ask for help.

Further information

What we can do to help

Student Services offers a range of support that includes Wellbeing Advisors, Counsellors, and the Mental Health Advisory Service. To access any of these services contact the Student Advice and Guidance team. This is the entry point to speak to the Wellbeing Advisors, Counsellors, and the Mental Health Advisory Service and all our services are confidential.You can email the team on, or call 0151 795 1000 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.