Feeling lonely

Feeling lonely at university is a common issue, and you should not be hard on yourself for feeling this way. The University and the Guild of Students have many resources available to help you.

Please remember that if you ever feel like you need support or advice, our Student Support team is here for you. However, there is a number of other resources and support services here for you.

Residential advisers

Each University halls of residence have a team of residential advisers who live in Halls to provide support, guidance and vital contact out of normal office hours. Our residential advisers team provides on-call emergency service 8pm – 8am Monday to Friday and 6pm – 9am Saturday and Sunday.

The contact number for the residential adviser team can be found on the notice boards in all kitchens and lift lobby’s as well as on the accommodation webpages.

Guild of Students resources

We have joined with the Liverpool Guild of Students to provide virtual activities and events to offer safe ways for you to meet people, try new things and have some fun – and all from the comfort of your own living space.

Societies are another great way to meet like-minded people and explore exciting opportunities. Ranging from cultural societies to sports societies and everything in between, you will find something of interest.

Other resources

Student Minds have created a dedicated resource for students affected by COVID-19 called Student Space, which offers out of hours phone, webchat, text message and email support.

Mind offers some advice on loneliness and good habits to practice to stave off the lonely feeling. They are a great resource for a better understanding of your mental health.

Mind also contains tips and information for coping during the coronavirus pandemic where loneliness and feelings of isolation are amplified.


HOSTuk is a national charity that links international students at universities and colleges in the UK with British residents who volunteer to invite students to their homes for a day or weekend for cultural exchange.

Students who have been on a HOSTuk visit say they

  • Feel more settled in the UK
  • It has helped them gain a better understanding of life in Britain
  • It was a good way to practice their English language
  • It was really nice to make friends with a British family.

HOSTuk arranges visits every weekend of the year. A weekend visit normally starts on Friday and ends on Sunday, but it can be flexible. Some HOST’s will cater for a family to visit them.

Christmas visits are very popular, enabling students to join in our most important family festival. At Christmas, most students stay three nights with their hosts.

HOSTuk visits are free, but there is an administration fee that covers the costs of arranging the visit.

If you are interested in a HOSTuk visit and would like more information please visit www.hostuk.org.

If you are concerned that you cannot keep yourself safe then please do ask for help.

What we can do to help

Student Services offers a range of support that includes Wellbeing Advisors, Counsellors, and the Mental Health Advisory Service. To access any of these services contact the Student Advice and Guidance team. This is the entry point to speak to the Wellbeing Advisors, Counsellors, and the Mental Health Advisory Service and all our services are confidential.You can email the team on advice@liverpool.ac.uk, or call 0151 795 1000 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.