The SSIS can list recommendations covering all areas of University life, including:
- Teaching and Learning
- Exams
- Library
- Accommodation
- Placements
- Practical/lab sessions.
Who has access to your student support information sheet?
Your SSIS will also be sent to your departmental disability contact as well as being made available to all relevant staff teaching you and your Supervisors (if applicable). Where appropriate staff members can access it via their electronic class lists - there is a small icon next to your name on their class list, which indicates that you have an SSIS.
Additionally, your SSIS will be sent to other relevant University colleagues. For example, if you have support recommended for exams or the library, it will be sent to the appropriate staff contact in those teams.
How to update your student support information sheet
If a minor change is required, for example, you have changed course, you should contact Disability Advice and Guidance and ask that your student support information sheet is updated.
If you require a change to your recommended reasonable adjustments, you should complete this form to request a review of your support arrangements with your Disability Adviser.
Further support
Do you need a deadline extension? We've updated the guidance for coursework extensions via your Departmental Disability Contact (DDC).
If you require any further help with your student support information sheet, you should initially contact your departmental disability contact. It is their responsibility to liaise with school/ departmental colleagues to ensure that you are able to access the recommended reasonable adjustments within the academic environment.
Speak to a Disability coach
If you are unable to find the answer to your query on our web pages, please visit our Disability Coaches drop-in during term time from 11am-3pm in the Alsop Building, University Square (no appointment needed).