Evidence required for all other conditions

We firstly require evidence of your disability in order to put appropriate support in place for you.

Evidence we need

It is your responsibility to obtain suitable evidence and the University does not cover any associated costs. If acquiring evidence is going to leave you in financial hardship, you may be eligible to apply to the University hardship fund.

Evidence needs to show your condition (or working diagnosis):

  • Is ‘long-term’ (has lasted - or is likely to last - 12 months or more)
  • Has a ‘substantial’ effect on your ability to do normal daily activities

Evidence should be provided on either:

  • Letter headed paper (or with a practice stamp included); 
  • An official diagnostic report; 
  • Our Medical evidence template (which can be passed to your medical professional for completion)

Evidence must be:

  • Written in English and signed and dated by a medical professional
  • Recently provided; i.e. within the last 12 months for fluctuating disabilities, and within the last three years for a permanent disability unless the situation changes.

Registered students: Please upload your evidence document(s) to the Student Services HUB, via “Your Documents”. 



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