Diagnostic assessment fund

Do you need help to pay for a diagnostic assessment? If you are eligible you can apply for a one-off payment of £350 towards diagnostic assessments within an academic year. 

Eligibility criteria 

  • You are registered as a University of Liverpool student
  • You are studying full or part-time as an undergraduate or postgraduate student, where the course is a minimum of one academic year’s length OR studying as a Go Higher Student
  • The assessment must be undertaken no earlier than 3 months prior to starting at the University of Liverpool

To note

  • One claim per student
  • Students who are studying with partner institutions are not eligible to apply

How to apply

To apply please complete the Diagnostic Assessment Fund online questions and once submitted your request will be assessed by the Money Team.

Closing dates:

  • Final year undergraduates/Go Higher students – Friday 12 April 2024 Fund is now closed 
  • Continuing undergraduates – Friday 3 May 2024 Fund is now closed 
  • Postgraduates – Friday 12 July 2024

 You can apply to the fund at any stage during the academic year up to the relevant closing date.

The diagnostic assessment fund will reopen at the start of 2024/25 academic year.


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