The object of the viva examination is to allow you the opportunity to explore, clarify and defend your research in the presence of academic leaders in your chosen discipline. The viva examination will normally be attended by an external examiner, an internal examiner and you. Your supervisor will not be present at the viva examination.
If you are a member of University staff, two external examiners are appointed and both would attend the viva.
There is no way of telling in advance how long the examination will last but it can be several hours.
The viva examination is usually conducted behind closed doors by at least two examiners, usually with at least one being an external examiner from another institution and an expert in your topic of research.
The internal examiner is responsible for arranging the date, time and venue for the viva which is normally held within three months of submission of the thesis.
In advance of your viva, your examiners will read your thesis and prepare independent, written reports. After the examination, a formal joint report with an agreed recommendation will be produced.
If you would like a copy of the final reports please contact the Research Degree Administration Team. The internal examiner should provide you with informal feedback, and if necessary, a copy of the revisions that have been requested.
Viva outcomes
For the degrees of PhD, MPhil and MD, examiners can recommend:
Outcome | |
Pass | You will receive an email from the Research Degree Administration Team advising you on how to submit your final thesis. |
Pass subject to minor modifications |
The Internal Examiner will provide you with a list of required corrections. Once minor modifications have been made to the thesis you should send it directly to the examiner(s) for their approval. You will receive an email from the Research Degree Administration Team when the examiners have confirmed the modifications have been made to their satisfaction. Modifications are to be made usually within three months of the oral examination but can be submitted earlier than the stated deadline. |
Pass subject to major modifications | Examiners will have the option to recommend major modifications as an outcome for first submissions submitted from 2 September 2019 onwards. This will mean that you have up to six months to revise your thesis. |
Resubmission |
The Internal Examiner will provide you with a list of required corrections. Candidates who receive a Resubmission recommendation will be contacted by their Faculty Link Officer formally notifying them of their resubmission deadline and fee. You will have one year from the date of the formal notification to submit the revised thesis. Once you have completed your revisions, you are required to submit an electronic version to You will have a second viva, which will be attended by an independent chair. Your Internal Examiner will contact you to arrange a date and time. |
To award MPhil subject to, if required, amendments to the thesis [PhD and MD students only] |
Resubmission for the award of MPhil [PhD and MD students only.] |
The revisions to be made usually within one year of the date of the oral examination but can be submitted earlier than the stated deadline |
Fail |
When considering a resubmitted thesis examiners can only use recommendations 1,2, 5 or 7. A candidate may only make two applications for a research degree award.
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